March Prompt Session

Mar 19, 2013 12:00

From now until midnight on Friday I’m open for prompts. The theme for this month is: hidden and lost things. As always I’m open to random number prompts (see the random number session for ways of using the numbers and an example for this session:  Aurora’s World lost 12) and if you’re having trouble with the theme then give me any prompt that comes ( Read more... )

prompt session

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Comments 2

Prompts ysabetwordsmith March 20 2013, 00:44:44 UTC
1) World Walkers: a lost world unexpectedly reconnected to the web. How and why could that happen? How would people respond?

2) Donor House: a human comes to the Donor House in hope that the vampires will hide memories that he can't bear to live with.

3) Afterlife: the hidden list of things that each person is meant to accomplish during their life, that most people never figure out how to read while they're alive.

I'll be boosting the signal on LJ, DW, and FB.


ellenmillion March 20 2013, 00:59:26 UTC
Lost socks

Discovering ancient ruins

Finding something buried in the snow during spring thaw.


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