The Deities’ World: Anubis: An Evening with Hades

Mar 19, 2013 11:54

Written for a random number prompt.

Sitting on Hades’ sofa watching movies wasn’t how Anubis had planned on spending his free time. Especially as the majority of the movies they were watching had been chosen purely so Hades could laugh at how the people of Earth viewed him or the other Greek deities. It had turned out to be the most fun Anubis had had in… he didn’t know how long. Years at the very least. Possibly decades or even centuries. Making friends had never been easy for him, even though he’d spent time with numerous different deities over the years depending on what he was doing, and Persephone knew that. So she’d set up an evening for him to spend time with Hades, because she thought it would be good for both of them.

“Do you want to chose the next film?” Hades asked, pulling Anubis out of his thoughts.

“Are there any films with Egyptian deities in?”

Hades shook his head. “Not that I know of.” Their eyes met. “There are some films where you have a mention and they usually aren’t good, although I’m not certain exactly why, but I’ve never seen one with you, or any of the other Egyptian deities, actually in it.” He smiled. “Then again I’m normally the bad guy in the films I watch, because I’m the Greek God of the Underworld.”

Anubis smiled back. “It’s easy to imagine you as the bad guy. I have read your myths.”

“They aren’t good.” Hades laughed. “Percy finds them just as amusing as I do, because we were together long before we chose to become Earth deities.”

“Really? I don’t know much about the relationship the two of you have, because Persephone doesn’t talk about her personal life much.”

“She wouldn’t. We do our best to keep our personal life and professional life separate, but there are times when we make friends with the deities we work with. Then we invite you into our house to watch movies.”

“I’ve never spent much time with other deities,” Anubis admitted, “unless it was for work.” He shrugged. “I never made friends with any mortals either. Focusing on working had made it easier to keep detached, but ever since I started working with Persephone, ever since I chose to become one of the deities of Thear, things have changed.”

“Percy is one of those people who changes things for other people. She did it for me a long time ago, when we first met, and she helps other deities when she thinks they need it. I’ve never known anyone like her.”

“You love her?”

“I’ve loved her since the first time we met. I’ve been in love with her ever since she convinced me that I shouldn’t be scared of loving someone younger than me. Now we have three children, we’ve been together over two millennia, and I’m still in love with her.” Hades looked at Anubis. “I spent a long time being like you, keeping myself detached from everything because it seemed easier, and if it wasn’t for my lovely wife I would still be the same way.”

Mirrored from K. A. Webb Writing.

collection, free fiction, the deities' world, fiction

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