I just watched Kuuchuu Buranko (aka Trapeze) some days ago and I just....have to....share some pics....
I'm so loving this picture
Irabu, the crazy psychiatrist. Yeah, all these three are the same person.
The sexy nurse, Mayumi. In 3D!
This picture probably looks totally random if you haven't seen the show XD so...it will be funnier if I say nothing.
So yeah, Kuuchuu Buranko is about this really weird psychiatrist and his patients. I was inspired to draw my own, eccentric psychologist character too (though not as eccentric as Irabu hahah), whom I haven't drawn in ages though he's been around since 2005...Mostly because I really didn't know what to do with his story. It kind of made me sad to realize I have so many characters and so many ideas but who knows when/if I might be able to tell them. I'm unwilling to start any comic projects yet because of my lack of skills. And yet I seem to be doing nothing to get better... :( I suck.
Preview for OC sketches in this post:
So yeah, here's Tjin:
I tried this really quick coloring method but it looks kinda crappy when I try it...xD
I've got to give some story/character info, hope you don't mind....So, Tjin is an acclaimed psychologist, though some people who meet him for the first time may underestimate him because of his young looks. He is older than he looks but his real age is a mystery.
The second main character for the story is Tjin's assistant, Jiri....or Jiro.
The thing is, he has dissociative identity disorder (split personality). Jiri seems your typical 'evil' personality (with a really good albeit a bit dark sense of humor), but actually, instead of being like Jekyll & Hyde, it's more like Hyde & Hyde...since there's something going on with Jiro, too. Also, you can't really tell which personality 'came first' or if the original him is buried under these two. Jiri is very bad-mouthed and has some sadistic tendencies. He's frighteningly intelligent though and he often uses his observations against other people, too. Jiri is also the more dominant personality, so he's in charge most of the time.
Jiri looking less crazy
Hahah I don't know XD
Jiri needs glasses, Jiro doesn't. This means that he actually has a good sight but the need for glasses is psychological, since Jiri really claims he can't see well without glasses and he starts to panic if he loses them. As opposed to Jiri's rash nature, Jiro is more calm and sensible. Except when his phobias get to him, and boy does he have many. On the surface, the personalities seem to be total opposites, but there's more to it...
So how does someone like him end up as Tjin's assistant? Tjin's services are also used by the police, and Tjin is called for help to stop Jiri from committing a severe crime. Tjin soon sees that his case is unlike anything he's seen before and believes that normal methods won't work with him. So, he takes him under his wing and hires him as his assistant to keep an eye on him. Despite Jiri's difficult personality Tjin is able to handle him because they have a mutual agreement, and Tjin knows Jiri won't take back his words since he benefits from it too. Plus, Tjin always seems to be a step ahead of him anyway. That doesn't stop Jiri from being a nuisance though...
The story I had in mind for them is rather simple...Mainly it would be about Tjin taking different cases with Jiri, while also trying to solve the Jiri/Jiro case. The character dynamics are also really important for me so I guess it would focus a lot just in their relationship too.
Also, this kinda shows their normal interaction (Jiri is always trying to push Tjin's limits but Tjin persists xD)
Man I enjoy dysfunctional relationships with my characters way too much @__@ Though they do get along better than some of my other characters ahah
I had a quick thought about actually starting to work with their story. It would be great to start even with one of my stories, instead of keeping everything in my head. Since I'm not invested in it as much as with my other stories, I could try to keep it simple so that I could draw it without feeling pressured to draw it well. I'd try my everything to keep the story going, meaning that if there are i.e some backgrounds I can't draw, then I just simply won't and draw only heads if that will keep things running. I'd save thorough research for my other projects.
But I don't know, the idea didn't feel that great the next day x'D Because you know, psychology as a subject perhaps isn't that straightforward, even though I guess it's easier to write about a psychologist instead of a psychiatrist (The difference between them is that psychiatrists are also medical doctors and deal with clinical issues such as schizophrenia etc that usually demand medical treatments, whereas psychologists deal more with emotional and mental issues that do not demand medication.) Plus, "the patient of the week" kind of story might be a bit difficult = too episodic. It would be easier if I picked a story with a running plot as my first comic. But I dunno, guess I could find a way to get around things...
Blargh. So much to ponder about. I didn't mean to write this much either, but I guess writing this kind of entries is helping me to organize my thoughts as well.