The "100 Things" Challenge.
The other evening J received his and realized he ordered the wrong size of the Doctor Who TARDIS Polo. He ordered a small instead of a medium. and I was all "I'll give you 20 bucks" and he was all "Done!"
That way he wouldn't have pay for shipping etc. to send it back, and he could just reorder, then we'll have matching shirts.
LOL. IDK if I'll ever even wear it.. probably sometime, I'll just pop the collar and be all awesome and stuff.
Another random purchase, not by me, J bought Melissa the Schrödinger's Cat Executive Decision Maker.
10x cooler then the Magic 8 Ball. lol. Its been making important decisions for me like "Should I go buy roller blades today?" *cat is dead* No? ok. "Should I sit on the deck and drink beer all night instead?" *cat is alive* Ok, sounds like a plan to me.
It did lie to me though, last night, I asked if the Canucks were going to win, and it said yes. And they did not win, and I was sad. But not really, cause the OT goal was gorgeous, and I really like LA too, so whoever came out of that series I was going to be ok with.
Seems like all the top teams are getting knocked out though.
How this post went for DW shirts to Hockey.. I don't know....
Anyways. Hope everyone has a awesome Monday!