Because everyone is doing it!

Apr 15, 2012 11:04

I hadn't logged into lj for a week! this needs to stop. I popped onto my flist this morning, and its been flooded with this challange

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

All I thought was I MUST PARTICIPATE! but then came the hard part, trying to figure out what I could successfully dedicated 100 entries to?
First thought automatically went to fandom related things, because I've been posting about all that kind of stuff for years already, couldn't be that hard right? but then at the same time, I do that anyway.
a hour or so went by, me being all thinky and stuff.. THEN I remembered something the boy roomie had said a few weeks ago.
Wow, we sure do buy alot of random stuff don't we? we should start posting photos online called "random things we buy." I had to laugh, because yes we do buy quite alot of random stuff. For ourselves and for eachother.

So that is what I will be dedicating this challange to:

Random gifts I buy, just because I saw them and thought of someone, or things I see that I MUST HAVE but don't really need, Impulsive buys... Go out to buy shoes, come home with a waffle iron.. you catch my drift?

I shall also include photos.

Sounds fun, y/y?

100 things

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