I wasn't quite sure about this episode at first. and half way through i was like "wtf is even going on!" lol.
but I ended up really enjoying it, and re watched it for a second time a hour later.
I knew my patients with Crowley was wearing thin, and as much as I loved the character last season and early this season he started to really bother me.
So needless to say I was happy to see him killed. I never really liked the idea of the brothers being his pawn.
Caswas a nice touch of comic relief in the episode too (as always)
and that last scene was BAD ASS! not really giving a second though to torching Crowley.
Meg was awesome. (even though the actress that plays her bugs me lol. its her voice.. I dunno) I've always loved that character, and this ep she was especially bad ass, and actually trust-able. I never saw the day that she would work with the brothers.
The kiss between her and Cas was quite hot. The first time I watched it I was again like "Wtf is going on?!!!" but then then 2nd time, I was like... "hummm that is quite a sexy kiss" the way his hand brushed down her chest and then gripped her hair.
yup definitely hot seeing my favorite angel kiss one of my favorite demons.
I called the reason Samuel was working with Crowley. So I wasn't too shocked when that was revealed. I loved how Dean laid into him about what happens when they make deals with Demons! and how Mary would feel if/when she came back that her father didn't help her Children.
I know Dean said he would kill Samuel the next time he sees him. As much as I don't like Samuel, I hope Dean doesn't, not at his hand anyway. I don't think Dean would be able to forgive himself.
I never stopped to think about "what exactly Sams soul is doing in hell" still being locked in the cage with Lucifer/Micheal. never once thought about what that might they may be doing to it. I was always too concerned with just wanting to get it back in Sam to make Sam the brother that Dean (and all of us) miss so very much.
and now having that put into perspective by both Cas and Crowley that
Sams soul is probably so broken, and ripped up and scared that putting it back into Sam could possibly be the worst thing ever, and we could ultimately lose what little bit of Sam we have left. That scared the crap out of me, as much as it probably scares the crap out of Dean.
Dean misses his brother.
And we might all just have to get use to the fact that Sam may never be the old Sammy again.
All in all. I did end up liking the episode a lot more watching it the second time.
and I can't wait til next week :D
Im happy our show is back!