05.21 in a shot gun

May 06, 2010 22:17

in my last post when i wrote that i have very high expectations of these last 2 episodes.
and sometimes when you go into something with high expectations sometimes you get let down.
well that is so not the case. because i have faith in this show. in the actors, and in the writers. and this episode was


-firstly i think the highlight of the spn hour was being able to share it with Misha on twitter. LOL.
1/2 way though the ep i was all "Misha you for one should know better then intrupt fans during spn!" lol.
then i got scared. because he's never tweeted during a show before.. then i was all.. omg.. oh no.. hes going to die isn't he?!
but he didn't *wipes sweat from brow*

- Seeing Pestilance again. Ewww. he gives me the heebie-jeebies

- Dean/Sam talking about what Sam is going to have to do. :os
not gunna lie. im kinda really excited about that plan.

-Cas calling Dean!! YEY!! CAS IS OK! well kinda sorta. hes falling for dean more and more every day. i love him being all vulnerable and bleeding. (does that make me morbid?)
I loved that phone call ♥ Cas apologizing to Dean about him not having any faith in him. Dean telling him bobby will fork the plane bill LOL

- I lol'ed at Deans made up aunts name! "thats the beauty of improv" and knocking that dude out. only to do what dean loves to do best... Watch surveillance. LOL

- Boys are on the hot track now. Pestilence is near. people are getting sick.
**What i don't understand is why the hell the boys didn't jack some hazmat suits before going into that building** knowing full well that creator of diesease was close by. tsk tsk boys.

-so the boys start getting sick! uh oh. that isn't good.

- Dean gets to Pestilance, and he starts yammering on about diesease and stuff.. and i'm all...

seriously shut up and let Dean kill you already!

-ENTER BAMF CAS! LOL ooooh how i've missed you!
"How'd you get here?"
"I took a bus"

-then hes on the floor being sick too.. OH Comm'on! the angel can't catch a break!

-YES Cas got the knife and chopped off the ring!! Go Cas saving the DAY! *highfives*

- Soon as Bobby started talking about how to find Death.. i thought "Oh sh*t" did he make a deal? HE MADE A DEAL that stupid SONUVABITCH! then Crowly (♥) comes in to confirm that
Dean asks if Bobby kissed him.
i seriously SERIOUSLY lost my sh*t here!

Dean: "Did you kiss him??"
Crowley: *shows picture on iphone*
Bobby:"Why'd you take a picture?!"
Crowley: "Why'd you use tounge?"

OMG *dying of laugher*

Made a little clip.
*high fives for learning how to use movie maker in 5 minutes lol*

image Click to view

gives me goose bumps every single time.

- Sam's asking Dean about when they hunted Wendigo's & how simple it was. *lol* as i remember it wasn't that simple. Wendigos scare the sh*t out of me still.

-This part made me tear up. like almost bawl. Crowley Giving Bobby his Legs back!!
Crowley i love you. you truely rock. Bobby is back to being BOBBY!! *s*

- Cas tells them how Micheal has his vessel.
ADAM! I knew it! i sooo knew it! called it back then.! wow. so Micheal and Lucifer both walk the earth now. Wonder why he hasn't come looking for Dean.

- Cas pistol whipping that truck driver! FTW. :D and all the demons with the virus know the winchesters have arrived.

-Sam trying to save everyone ♥

-To Chicago, and Dean has to figure out a way to save 3million ppl in 10 minutes :o that is going to be hard.

-Death wasn't were Crowley said he would be. Crowley.. WTF are you playing at?!!!?

- but then Crowley finds Death again! Im so excited for this moment. Where they finally meet the boys (well at least one of them)

-Cas blowing peoples heads off ♥ & hearts; & Saves Sammy!!!

-Dean trying to be all sneeky going in to the Pizza place. Seeing everyone around the place dead. creeeeepy

- Death knew it was dean without even turning around. then burns up the handle of the knife thingy! and makes Dean drop it, then thanks him for bring the knife back LOL.
what is he playing at?! Death? funny? hummmm

-He wanted to talk to Dean? wow. I kinda really didn't see that coming. I mean. i knew there wasn't going to be really a fight between them. Death can't die. but this was a bit of a twist.
Death being chained up like a dog to a child having a tantrum LOL. Poor Lucifer no one really respects him other then the demons.
Death talking about even taking out GOD :o if only he was released from his leash. how he couldn't even seek out Dean, he had to wait for him.
So he was expecting him? hummm.

I wonder if Lucifer knows this is what the boys are planning.

-Death Freely gives Dean the very last ring. with one stipulation. That Sam has to say Yes to Lucifer, and lead him back to his cage.
"You have to do whatever it takes to put Lucifer in his cell"

-Dean agrees *shock*
"That better be yes Dean. You know you can't cheat Death."
i guess he knows that Sam has sort of made up his mind on this matter already *s*

So now they have all 4 horsemen rings. and together they all link-up. Dean looked a bit freaked when that happened.
Dean and Bobby have a little talk, and Bobby is so happy to have his legs back that he walked up and down stairs for no reason at all. Awwwww! & Dean is telling bobby about his experience with Death
"What do you think Death does to people who lies to his face?"
Dean is scared. we can see it on his face. scared for Sam.
Im scared for Sam :(
but then I am also very excited at the same time



best show EVER


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I have wanted this for SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long!!!! Im scared!! *bites nails*


video, squee, episode recap, supernatural

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