
Apr 30, 2008 00:25

Japan's Cat Cafés. Have tea, snuggle kitties. Want.

Galaxies gone wild! Frakking beautiful Hubble shots of galaxies colliding.

Watch Out For $9.87 Credit Card Scam From Always check your credit card/debit card statements!

Ben Stein meets Darwin. HEE.

Soap opera shows gay kiss; promotes homosexual agenda! I love PZ Meyer's comment. "Helpfully, [the American Family Association] includes a link to the 'repulsive' video, so if you're a good Christian you can also watch these two attractive young men being affectionate with one another. You can watch it over and over. You can watch it until those strange, funny feelings drive you to embrace Jesus."

From ravenswing90: This had me in tears, tears I tell you. Tears of laughter, that is. I couldn't stop giggling for half an hour. (The live view is linked from there but it's snowed a bit since this morning.) Why do I have the feeling this is part of a TAR leg? Well, it should be.

From neonhummingbird and trollprincess: This is a beautiful act of sportsmanship. The pros could learn a lesson here.

Prince Caspian Is A Cylon! *snerk*


linkspam, kitties, astronomy, hee!, psa, teh gay

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