My baby boy Tristan is gone. He only had one working kidney, and it was failing fast. The best thing I could do for him was to let him go peacefully and painlessly. I'm a bit of a wreck right now, so please bear with me if my mood is erratic for the next few days. I'm going to be doing my best to distract myself and shower Galahad with love. Goodbye, my sweet boy. I love you so much. Mornings are never going to be the same without you tapping my face to wake me up. I will miss you walking across my keyboard or giving me a 20lb headbutt in the boob when you want my attention.
We had 13 happy years together, and now he's waiting for me with Scamper and Missy and Morris and Raven and Dito and Xena and Mordred and Sunny and Rico and Sheba. He lived with me from New England to Atlanta and back again, through relationships and breakups and roommates. He was obnoxious, he was a brat, he was a downright dick sometimes, but he was also one of the most loving cats I have ever known. Every time he was at the vet the doctors and nurses and techs would tell me how handsome he was and how much of an attention whore he was. I used to joke that if anyone every broke into my apartment, he would wander over to say "Hey, put the TV down and pet me!"
I love you, Tristan. I'll see you again, promise.