Title: The Larks, Still Bravely Singing (
kajikia Pairing/Rating: Sam/Dean, NC-17
Length: 3,350 words
Summary: "It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it." - Robert E. Lee World War II AU
Pinch-hit for
spn_holidays, for
cathybites, who requested ANYTHING - involving Sam, Dean, and lots of rough, dirty sex [...] A historical AU would be
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And I have kind of been thinking about their childhood in this universe A LOT. Because, okay, John served in WWI and met Mary, who was a nurse, when he was injured. They got married when he was discharged and moved to Kansas, where John had just enough money to buy a small farm. They had Dean right away, and then Mary died in childbirth with Sam four years later. Her relatives all came out for the funeral, and everyone kind of expected John to send the boys back with them--a widower with no family, a four year old and a new baby and land to work, come on. But he refused point blank, kept them all together as a family on that farm, with help from Bobby, and Missouri, and Pastor Jim, until the Depression hit, and the land just dried up and blew away and he couldn't make the mortgage payments. They lost the farm, and this time everyone thought he really had to send the boys to their mother's people back East. But he just packed everything they owned into a battered Ford pick-up and took them out on the road, with all the other migrant workers. Sam was eight, and that's how the two of them grew up, moving from place to place, wherever John could get work. (The best time was the three months they spent with a traveling circus--John took care of all the trucks when their old mechanic got religion in Utah.)
*cough* ANYWAY. I am really glad you liked this.
*followed your link*
YES. This is *exactly* right. Oh, i just...
And Carnivale? YES.
*bounces around*
This would be awesome. You can just *see* how the boys would be, growing up like this. Growing up fast, leaning all kinds of trades and things, just...
So cool.
*has glee*
*keeps an eye on you*
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