While many of my friends are very liberal, I myself find myself in the middle road all the time, yet i'm always out there defending conservatives. Simply for the same reasons Carson Fire has for being a conservative.
I am a conservative, to an extent. I have many many many many liberal views, especially when it comes to personal choice, self expression, music, art and education.
However, I am a financial, moral and political conservative. I try and keep my views private but a lot of times they leak out and I can't help but insult some die hard liberal who is no different than the die hard conservative.
I try and find my balance, but it's hard when people put you down for not being too far to one side or the other.
I've become more conservative because I grew up in a house where my parents worked 24/7 just to feed us and educate us. I've personally have seen what the democratic ideal has done to my community, and I've seen my "minority group" fall into the horrid life of living off the government and abusing the tax payers hard earned money.
I live in a town full of migrants, the unemployed, and the illegal aliens who live off of welfare, government housing projects, and never contribute back to the tax pool.
I never could afford college, and at 23 i am still working to help my family. Everything i've learned i've learned on my own, and the only education I found at school was how much the Democrats love us Mexicans, and all we have to do is vote for them and they will give us a bunch of freebies.
Winger just started today and it is a conservative webcomic, I know I should not have a bias here, but I can't help but be cheerful that there is an opposite to Sore Thumbs.
The first strip shows exactly what i've seen from good friends of mine who claim to be open minded and tolerant of other people's ideals, and that they would never degrade themselves down to the level of fascist evil republicans.
The sad thing is, that this maybe just another comic preaching to the choir, just like Sore Thumbs only appeals to those with the same ideals it has.
Well i'm still gonna plug it: