VERY NO!!!!!!!!!

Sep 28, 2005 00:08

Yesterday Palm skewered me with a 50" diameter rusty screw, right through my lower kidney.

PalmSource decided to switch to Windows mobile as it's internal OS for the next generation of Treos.

Why is this so upsetting to me? I'm a Macintosh Treo user... the new Windows based Treo is designed to be utilized to it's fullest potential through WINDOWS TOOLS! Why do I want an overtly bloated OS running on my mobil/pda cell phone that won't let me use half of it's functions?

I could go blackberry but I've just never been fond of the blackberry phones and I don't know much about them.

So much for upgrading a year from now when the next treo comes out...

Fucking Palm can kiss my ass....

This is what happens when you can no longer pay for your development staff because you spent all your damn money buying back your stupid name!
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