Jul 27, 2005 22:34
So this Grandmother is suing Rockstar Games / Take Two, for false advertising. She bought GTA:SA for her 14 year old grandson. She says that when she bought the game in 2004 she was not aware of the sexual content found on the game that could be opened by a 3rd party source.
I have only 1 and only 1 thing to say to this lady: GET YOU'RE FUCKING READING GLASSES LADY!
On the box: Rated M for Mature contains Blood & Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs.
And right above the label it says 17+ MEANING NOT FOR YOUR 14 YEAR OLD GRANDKID
And what false advertising, when the hell did Rockstar promote this game as being: Sex Free, Drug Free, Happy Fun Time You love very much. type of game.
There is a GIRL on the front cover with her BREAST half exposed. SERIOUSLY WTF!
This is just some old lady trying to cash in on the GTA:SA scandal. She should be thrown in jail for neglect and indecency with a minor for buying him that game, when it is strictly a 17+ game.
I don't care if the kid is mentally capable of accepting the game and it's content, that's not the point.
The code on the game is Mature, meant for Mature in age, not mental maturity. There is an age restriction because the ESRB has established this game to be 17+.
In most states 17 is considered being an adult, and therefore you don't even need to have the Adult Only rating for sexual content.
When she bought GTA in 2k4 it means she bought it for one of the consoles was just recently released for PC, meaning that there might be a chance that this kid hasn't had a chance to hack it, unless he went out and found the cheats to unlocking the game for the console which involves more work than the PC hack.
Meaning this kid knowingly knew he was going out and looking for a way to get into the adult content of the game. It's not like he was forcefully subjected to the adult content.
People just love to put the blame on someone else instead of dealing with their own fucked up shit. People won't raise their kids anymore, they want the government to do that for them, and the best way is to put the blame on anybody out there.
This suit should be thrown out, but like all lawsuits, the company being sued is always the bad guy, and suits are rarely ever thrown out. This is frivolous and just a scape goat for someone's negligence.
Take responsibility for your actions, you lady take the responsibility for buying a violent, overtly sexual video game to your under age grandkid, and you should fucking blame him for seeing that shit because he went and got the hack knowing he was going to see some fucking.