May 09, 2016 01:15
So I know I've been a little MIA again. Work has been stressful with the transfer and it's just been a greater overall focus in my life. In some sense I don't hate it, I can see more how people can get lost in their work but I also don't feel like I have the luxury of focusing like that. I need to get back into school, I need to have a social life and I need to find a way to balance it all out.
I've been in a sort of weird place lately, maybe a little more weird than normal. I really don't feel like there is anyone to talk to, anyone that I check in with and just connect. Elliot has sort of been that but it's been shaky lately. Thoughts of dating are surfacing again. The appeal of close companionship is hard to deny in a landscape that's lacking in good friends.