Oct 02, 2014 19:13
“Are we good?”
“Of course. I just had to put things in perspective.” I paste a smile on my face.
“What do you mean, perspective?”
She sounds irritated.
“I realize you didn’t mean to hurt me.” I say soothingly.
“Well of course I didn’t mean to hurt you! I wouldn’t do something like that.”
Now she sounds indignant. Funny how she feels she can be the indignant one here.
“I explained what happened. It was an accident. I don’t know why you’re so sensitive.”
The insult cut deep, but I was determined to keep the smile pasted on my face. A simple apology would have been nice. It always comes back to me somehow. Me and my flaws. It’s never about her.
“Like I was saying,” I start again, “I understand it was an accident.”
“Well, at least I’ve gotten that through to you. So, we’re good here right?” She looks at her watch. “I’ve got somewhere to be tonight.”
“Sure, we’re good.” I sigh as she turns and heads for the door.
“Great! I’ll call you later. Maybe we can do something without you overreacting next time.”
I stare at the door as it closes. How could she believe that everything was alright? How could I have thought things would be different?
I won’t cry. I have no tears left.
This is my entry for LJ Idol: S9 Week 23. The topic this week was The Fiction of the Fix.