Idol and crafty stuffs

Jul 25, 2013 14:41

Looks like I may be out in Idol this week. I am ok with that. Though really, the fast and furious changes in the last few hours of the poll always amuse me. Those won't happen until tomorrow. I lasted longer than I expected really. I was out in week 8 of Season 5. I was thinking about adding something to the community chest, but I am not sure what. There are two items in there that I would love to have for myself. Cheshire23's customized recipe book and the custom criticism/content editing from theun4givables. There were actually a couple of others, but those two were my favorites. I like the editing one just because I would like someone other than my mother or husband to read my story and say hey...yeah, this could go somewhere. Or you know...not. lol I haven't drawn in a very long time. That reminds me that I actually sent kathrynrose a picture of a kitty I drew for a craft exchange years ago. I already owe tigrkittn a homemade something, because of a facebook post at the beginning of the year. I haven't forgotten! I actually have an idea for it, I just need to execute it. ;) My husband has been making paracord bracelets. I have the green and black one he made me and I swiped his double red and black too! He also made me a purple and blue one. I have a friend who is making handmade soaps. I love them. She has offered to let me use her forms to make my own. That would be really cool, but it takes time. I like this idea though. I just need the supplies and she has several great recipes.
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