Jul 28, 2010 23:00
Ladies and gentleman of the internet:
I have found a new fandom and its name is INCEPTION.
Arthur is my boy, my pretty pretty boy in suspenders and prettiness. His slicked back hair made me want to run up to him and mess it up (then run away because I get the feeling he'd have a flail-y panic attack over it---which I would laugh about from a safe distance and then offer him consolation in the form of cookies once he calms down).
I feel a desperate need to slash him (because that's how I show my love). Maybe with the Forger (whose name escapes me but I know the actor had a role in "Band of Brothers"). He was snarky and liked to blow things up and seeing the two put up with each other was hilarious. (I think they annoy each other to the point of torture, but I get a twisted sense of pleasure out of that. What does that say about me, I wonder?).
The female Architect (whose name also escapes me) was cute and smart and I want to adopt her.
There was a moment in the film that the characters went on to say something about the laws of physics and their suddenly not being applicable to the situation at hand. My first thought? "Oh, McKay would be pissed!" I could just picture him throwing a tantrum about it, all redfaced and panicky. It'd be great :D
This pretty much convinced me that my brain is wired by fandom. Seriously, a brain scan would probably show a map of fandoms, all interconnected in some way or another.
Fandom, I <3 you hardcore.
In conclusion: Inception, watch again y/y? *toddles off to find Inception!Arthur fanstuff*
fandom: stargate atlantis,
fandom: inception,
character: rodney mckay,
character: arthur