Its been forever and a hundo days. It's sumnmmmmmmer. I love it
The College World Series starts this weekend and I can't wait to go. Unfortunately I can't really go to that many games cause of summa school but its fine. Yoe fine. I got a new camera. It's about time. I bought a sweet ass insurance thing for it too since I'm so prone to camera accidents/disasters.
Jackie got a puppy.
I love Teegan. I don't love him when he pees on my bed or eats my face but I usually really do love him.
Becky turned 21. It looked kinda like this....
It was a good time and I would bet money that Becky is still hungover.
I made a mental To-Do List for the summer. We HAVE to go camping soon. Oh and we're going to the nearest Six Flags soon too. K? Ready set go. Not even kidding.