Ohno Anan interview translation

Sep 30, 2013 16:41

For clara_maria!! I hope you haven't finished work yet and I made it on time!!! As always, it's not perfect, it's far from it. But I promised you to do it, and here we go~~~~ I hope you like it, sorry for the long wait >___<

„Arashi's regular shows, plus the 24 hours television marathon and our concerts. The opportunities for the 5 of us to work together will become more from now on, so please watch us! Well, I think I'll do everything normally, just like I always do though...“

The fans know that what Ohno is calling normal, isn't normal at all. Being chosen as the main personalties for the 24 hours television marathon for two years in a row, making it 4 times in total, and also playing the lead role in Kyo no hi ha sayonara“ are making his days very busy.

„Since we were the main personalties last year, I did think we wouldn't be able to do it again. As we'd always done it every 4 years, I thought, if we ever do it again, it'll be in 4 years. This year will be a new memory, and I think it would be good if there were a little more space for feelings than last year. Once the show starts, it's over in an instant. Even though we're the personalities, we're also the viewers.... Isn't it like this? Like, opportunities to watch how people are giving it their all. Meeting people you normally can't meet, watching and encouraging different people who are giving it their all, even discovering new aspects about the other members. Somehow, just being in this place is already great.“

The role he's playing in the special, is a young man who has only 3 months left to live, after being diagnosed with cancer.

„The role is very difficult, but since the family structure and the ages of the family members are very much alike, there are a lot of connections. (to his family, I guess?XD) I have always been thinking about „death“. What will happen after I die? Is there something after it? Even though I don't know it, I always felt like there must be something, I really don't think that there is nothing. If everything really ends after you die, and there's nothing afterwards, I think the people would all turn evil. Fufufu (mysterious laughter) The moments in which I really feel alive, are when I'm spending time all by myself, when i'm drawing or fishing. Since I never know when I'm going to be busy again, I treasure my free time. Doing nothing then feels like a waste to me.“

Even though he's laughingly saying „My vacation is my everything“, he still puts all his strenght into the things he is currently doing. This feeling of accomplishment also reflects in his expression and voice. Even his skin is radiant on the day of this shooting.

„Since I couldn't go fishing, my skin became white again, huh...“ (laughs) I acutally don't do anything for my skin. I wash my face, put on some face lotion, and that's it. My skin isn't actually all that pretty. It gets bad in an instant. What I do when it gets bad? Nothing! I just wait until it's over. I'm also not particular about my hair... For the last 5 years, I have been cutting it myself. When I'm going to work, I'll only wear a hat to cover my bed hair, and when I'm on vacation, it's even worse. I'm really doing nothing. Normally, people who work are at least styling their hair a little bit, right? I'm always thinking, that's impressive. (while observing his manager) they probably can't wear a hat, can't they?“

Although we thought it would be a sudden death for us after he was appointed to the skin and hair special, Ohno gave it his all to somehow answer our questions.

„Ah! But there is something! I have been using lip cream for 8 years now! There was this time when I was doing a musical, and the corners of my lips were ripped open constantly. At this time I started to use if after someone recommended it to me, and I was really satisfied by it. By the way, Aiba is also using it, and sometimes we'd end up not knowing which one belongs to who, but by the feeling of it, and by the weight, I could tell that this was mine! (laughs)“

About which type of skin he prefers on girls, he simply said „I don't know.“ About the hair stlye he prefers, he said „As long as it suits her, anything is fine.“

Ohno, this is the skin and hair special edition, so please, give us one more comment!

„That's right. A fish's skin is really pretty. There are even fish whose skin shine like a rainbow. A dolphin's face looks like an alien, but it's ambivalent coulour is really pretty. Ambivalent means, by the time you fish it, it's yellow, and it's very last moment, it's turning blue. Yellow is a sign for danger. The caught dolphin warns the other dolphins to escape by turning yellow, as in „It's dangerous here!““

He can talk so passionately about fish's skin. Just when thought he was cured...

Yosh~~ *rolls back to bed*XD

is ohno getting cuter or what?

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