Orista 1/7 14 Round-table disussion

Feb 09, 2013 13:59

Summing up 6 years full of activities!! The first time in dome, the reversed bungee!?

Since the 2008 1/7 issue of Orista Arashi has been on the cover for the end-of-year issue for 6 consecutive years. We would like to have you look back at 6 years of activities and Orista end-of-year issues. In the round-table discussion of 2007 topics like „Our solo activities have increased“ and „The first time at dome“ appeared.

Sho: The album of that time was Time. It left an impression not only on that tour DVD, but also for Arafes songs from this album like Love Situation appeared, right? Meaning that this album was not only precious, but maybe also good for concerts. Oh yeah became a standard song after this.

Ohno: The mood during the dome concert was amazing! Everyone made such a happy face, it felt like the whole atmosphere was so full of it.

The movie Kiiroi Namida was released in this year as well, and Aiba-kun performed at dome with his guitar.

Aiba: I did that!! (laughs) I instantly remembered that now!!

Sho: You have been practising the whole time! Even in the dressing room for Music Station you kept on playing the guitar.

Nino: You were really into it. (laughs)

Jun: I remember that as well (laughs)

Aiba: That's right. I was always bringing the guitar with me to all kinds of places so that i could practice, i've really been an annoyance to all of you.

Sho: You haven't been an annoyance! (laughs)

Also, during the 2007 end-of-year issue Ohno said „the reversed bungee left a real big impression“.

Sho: Fight Song, right? (laughs)

Ohno: That one was really interesting.

Sho: After 7 years, even though it was the first concert at dome, it was the reversed bungee for the encore.

Jun: This one really hurt. Because of the rubber bands we got cramps on the sides. Also, in this year, Nino and me did 2 doramas, this was really suprising. Looking back at it now, we really did a lot, right?

Nino: (looking through the material) Really. (laughs)

hno said „Everyone is making such a big fuss about the 10th anniversary, that i feel sorry for the 9th anniversary, so let's give our best at the 9th year first!“ That one really became a catch phrase. (laughs)

Nino: He kept on saying that the whole time~

Sho: It really suited you, right? (laughs) You got through many things just with this.

Nino: No,he became familiar with it.

Aiba: Looking back at it again, i acutally don't really get the meaning of it (laughs)

Ohno: That's true, right? (laughs)

In your 9th anniversary in 2008, Ohno said „no matter how you look at it, this year was the busiest one for me as a person“

Sho: It was the year in which you filmed a dorama while doing concerts and we also did the 24h marathon.

Aiba: The first time at Kokuritsu!

Ohno: And we also did the Asia tour!

Jun: Leader also had his exhibition.

Ohno: I've never been that busy before. It was really tough.

Aiba: This time and our debut time, in which one have you been the busiest? Our debut time has also been quite hard, right?

Sho: But, wasn't it that year? When you're talking about the amount of work.

Speaking of, Sho-kun also went to Beijing for the Olympic Games.

Sho: That's right. I came back for a while for Music Station, but I've really been abroad for about 2 weeks, this had been the first time ever since I'd become a member of Arashi. I really thought so this is how a business trip feels like.

Jun: Business trip (laughs)

Also, in the yearly single ranking Truth/Kaze no mukou e and One love got number 1 and 2.

Nino: That's amazing, right? This was something we had never imagined.

Ohno „Let's enjoy our 10th anniversary just like this as well“.

Ohno: Really? I hardly remember this year... (laughs)

Nino: You generally don't right, memories are a yearly thing.*

Ohno: Especially this one (laughs)

The 10th anniversary, the year 2009

Jun: Finally!

The headline for Sho's solo interview was „Leader finally bought himself a down jacket“

Sho: You didn't use something from me for the headline!? (laughs) I'm sure I said some other pretty good things as well (laughs)

Aiba: That's true, you bought it in Ebisu.

Ohno: Yeah.

You remember it well (laughs) Also, you conquered the song ranking even more than in 2008. the first three places for the sinlge ranking, also number one for album and DVD.

Ohno: That was amazing!

Sho: It feels as if that was someone else (laughs) In this year, we had been able to do a lot of different things. The anniversary tour, the Arashi week for Nihon terebi, the event at Disneyland, our dorama Last promise for Fuji terebi.

Jun: Speaking of 10th anniversary, this is a rather private episode but, even when I was walking down the streets, I often got told things like „Congratulations on your 10th anniversary“ or „Congratulations on your appearance at Kouhaku“ Being known by so many people had made me very happy as well.

Sho: Our first appearance at Kouhaku was this year as well?

Ohno: Yes. I've also been told „Congratulations“ quite a lot.

Sho: While shooting on the street for my dorama, many old people stopped with their bicycle and said „Congratulations!“.

Aiba: It was also the year we realeased our book, right?

Jun: Nippon no Arashi? That was two years later!

Nino: Aiba-san, do you want to take a break? (laughs)

Aiba: Eh? Did I lose my right to speak? (laughs) But we planned it in this year, right?

Sho: That's right (laughs) Aiba-san did the dorama My girl.

Jun: Ah, that was the year in which we changed so much during the rehearsels for Kokuritsu! (laughs) It was the time when we talked about changing the choreo for boku boku.

Aiba: Even though I couldn't attend the rehearsels and couldn't follow, you simply changed the one I already knew. I totally wasn't able to follow you!

Have you been worried?

Sho: Of course we have! Although 5 people are supposed to do it together, one is totally off. (laughs)

Ohno: I acutally don't remember it that much (laughs)

Nino: Everyone was worried, right?

Also, Ninomiya said a very good thing: „the 10th anniversary wasn't just a memorial, it was the starting point to increase our possibilities as a group.“

Sho: You highlighted this!? Not just stories about down jackets?? (laughs)

Nino: Because we had been congratulated by so many people.

Following that year, in 2010 your album Boku no miteiru fuukei sold over a million copies.

Sho: (tightening his voice) This made us really happy! Of course, we had also been happy when we received best album, but because even the staff around us seemed so happy, this one was even better.

After being congratulated for your 10th anniversary that often, has this been a change in your awareness.

Sho: Rather than this, it hasn't changed ever since then. I'm passing my days fearing that I will awake from this dream one day.

Jun: How dark! (laughs)

Aiba: That's very pessimistic, isn't it? (laughs)

Ohno: The 10th anniversary has just been too amazing. It seems as if that had been the goal...

Jun: Eh? And what about now? (laughs)

Ohno: No, up until then. We had never been that congratulated before, right?

Jun: That's right. In 2010, we were able to be the hosts for Kohaku, and we recieved support like „give your best“ from so many different people as well. Really, I feel like the 10th anniversary was the start for us being able to do more things.Rather than saying that this atmosphere has been continuing ever since, I rather feel like it is connected.

Aiba: That's exactly it.

Then, 2011. The first single had been Lotus.

Nino: It's Latus.

Sho: The very person to star in the dorama made a mistake on the title (laughs)

It was the year of the  earthquake, but it was also the year in which you attempted something new with Waku waku gakou

Ohno: That was the year in which I really thought that the power of music is amazing. We did a radio programme for the Touhoku region, and I felt the power of songs during that time as well.

Nino: We received a lot of messages.

Aiba: We thought about what we're able to do a lot. Eventhough there was nothing we could do, we manged to at least make them feel something.

Also, the release of Beautiful world

Nino: Ah, the year in which we did the training camp!

Sho: That one was tough! But, we wanted to show the people watching it something fun. (laughs)

Nino: But it was fun, right? Simply.

Sho: Yes, even the toughness was fun!

Jun: (nods) Sleeping with everyone in one room was also interesting, and Sho's breathing that sounded like he was breathing through an oxygen cylinder was also interesting. (laughs)

Sho: Shuko~ Shuko~ (laughs)

How has 2012 been?

Ohno: 2012 was... fast.

Nino: You can't remember it, right? (laughs)

Ohno: I still remember it! (laughs)

Aiba: It feels like we often had the chance to stand in front of a lot of people. Adding the different events as well, it was a really massive year.

Jun: I've been checking the Arafes DVD lately, and Nino's Shake it was really interesting (laughs)

Sho: The contrast between Matsujun's was really good, right? (laughs)

Jun: Have you really seen me that flittering??**

Nino: Ah, you have seen it? (laughs)

Sho: We tried something new with Arafes, delievering a different content than during the tour at Kokuritsu. While searching for something new to do,  we made a very big step with this.

Your Popcorn tour is also still continuing!

Jun: That's right! I really feel like we managed to create a fun atmosphere.

Ohno: It really feels like a new live.

Aiba: Because we already popped?

Sho: But only into Popcorn (laughs)

Nino: Finshing our work in 2012, saying goodbye and seperate, it's good that the first time the 5 of us will gather again will be at the concert. I'm pretty sure we'll welcome a very good tour final.

A/N: * I guess he means, rather than remembering the things in years, he remembers what he did, but not exactly when.
** I have no idea if i translated this right, I haven't seen Arafes~

As usual, translations are not a 100% accurate, but i did my best. Also, I just edited this in a hurry, because Arashi ni Shiyagare is starting in 2 minutes *hurries*
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