Jul 18, 2008 21:11
its july....
so its officially more than halfway through july already...its going by so fast...
ive been keeping busy though, babysitting random times during the week, keeping the house clean and doing other random things...
weekends: lots of parties!
first weekend in july was the 4th of july party...it was a lot of fun..in contributed a whole five people to the party, but all fun and games none the less..
then we had an 80s party last weekend that was lots of fun too, stayed up until 4 am...
this weekend i have a bbq at stevens and the weekend after that im heading to the shore!
then just like that its august!
then i go to see maroon 5 and counting crows!
then relaxing for a week before going to see livia in ohio..
then back to school!
just like that, another summer all over, and senior year begins...
crazy crazy!