laughable quote (and celebrity gossip b/c i can't help myself)

Jul 16, 2006 22:34

"This is NOT a way of saying that practitioners of S&M are more likely to be abusers. HOWEVER, there is a dark(er?) side to this lifestyle, and it can't be wished away by lumping it in with transvestitism and homosexuality."
- Comment on this article about Rolling Stone's slandering of the transgender and S&M communities. I just find it hilarious that this person would think that SMers would get more respect by being grouped with us "transvestites." Riiight...
The article's pretty interesting actually. I'd heard that one of the Wachowski brothers (makers of the Matrix movies) had transitioned m-to-f, but I didn't know any of the specifics before reading it. I guess that explains somewhat why they decided to make "Bound" (aka the really hot lesbian bondage movie, which they supposedly made first to finance making The Matrix.)

Anyway, I found this because in the process of tagging my social bookmarks I started wondering, why Bondage&Discipline? Domination/submission and Sadism/Masochism make sense as pairs, but why pair up bondage (restraining someone) and discipline (punishing someone)? They can go together, of course, but seem just as likely not to (in my admittedly limited experience.) I've even talked to people who are into bondage, but not into discipline. In fact they both seem like more subset of the other two pairs - though I'm sure someone could like disciplining or being disciplined, or tying up/being tied up without necessarily being into the pain or power aspects (e.g. domestic discipline, maybe?) I don't know, just something I was thinking about. If I find anything out about the terminology or history of it, I'll let y'all know.

trans, bdsm

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