big bangs and black holes

May 14, 2008 11:36

So I signed up to do a fanmix for bandombigbang for story #52 and I finished reading it yesterday. I don't know if I'm supposed to say this but OMG IT IS AMAZING! I can't believe I got so lucky! This fic is like all my bandom dreams come true. I just want to hug whoever wrote!

...Except for the end! MY HEART, IT IS BROKEN!!! Hey author of #52, what gives? Is there going to be a sequel? Please, please tell me there's going to be a sequel? Or are you planning to add more and just DIDN'T TELL ME??

Okay, I'm totally just kidding, it ends realistically, not tied up all neat, and I like that. It really is an amazing story, in no small part because of how true to the characters it stays. I hope my fanmix can... well, it's never going to do it justice, but I hope it will show in some small way how much I love this story.

P.S. Claiming for fanmixes is still open.


In other news, I've trying to find some of my beloved stories on Nifty that I read a long time ago. I think I'm going to do a post about them over on my sadly neglected community at some point. I love how reliable Nifty is in terms of stuff not disappearing even years later. Though it's not the easiest archive to navigate. Every story is a crapshoot over whether it's going to be any good or not. Probably one of the main reasons I switched to slash. ;-)

Oh yeah, that subject line doesn't sound dirty now or anything does it?

fandom: bandom

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