wtf foreeever

May 12, 2008 01:24

Sometimes ONTD makes me laugh so hard I almost pee myself. I felt the need to share...

Exhibit A.

Best self-insertion fic ever y/y?

Oh btw, they're talking about Josh Groban. And there's much much more where this comes from too. It's awesome. Dude. I'm not even making fun of these kids... y'all know I write porn about celebrities. If I had the chance I'd totally talk about pstump like that, you know I would.

Exhibit B.

Can I get a W? Can I get a T? Can I get an F?

Seriously though, what? How can someone think that's an okay name even in Panama? Arrrgh.

(And Flex? More okay... but also not okay.)

also, COCKS!

The End.

funny stuff, what is wrong with you people?

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