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Aug 10, 2006 10:39

I was in the kitchen when my landlord came down to get breakfast this morning. He got himself a bagel and poured himself some coffee and then he stuck the coffee in the microwave. I checked later and the coffee in the pot was cold, so probably left over from yesterday or the day before. It made me realize something. See, I don't drink a lot of coffee but both my parents do, and my dad is almost always the one who makes coffee in the morning (and, nice guy that he is, often brings a cup down to my mom while she's still in bed.) This morning I was brought face to face with a little gender expectation I didn't realize I even have, which is:

Real men make fresh coffee.

Of course, I've been guilty of keeping old coffee around in case I need to wake up some morning (since buying it can get expensive) but my excuse is being a student and not having a coffee-maker. But there's no getting around it: fresh coffee tastes better than old coffee. And it's just more manly.
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