Dec 10, 2009 17:24
Well its been awhile since ive posted, ive really had no idea what i should write lol.
well lifes as hectic as always im just as off track as ever for some reason i just can't seem to get any concentration or focus on anything these days, maybe its the lack of the education system 0.o lol!!
I guess when you just get used to going somewhere to do something you get into the routine of that and its more difficult trying to do it at home.
The other day I tried to get organised I slept to 7pm..... ok im an insomniack but ive never had a crash like that 0.0 3pm was a record lol still im going to try my hardest to get back on track an hopefully finish something lol >.<
Sometimes I think I should go back to college but no places do what i want to do really maybe there could be a story writing one somewhere probably online though... and theres definately no manga lol well off to attempt to get something done.
oh and ive finally got internet at home