Nov 20, 2008 07:19
Also for future reference.
The first was a coincedence, but funny nonetheless - I was playing Pokemon on the bus when I began facing a trainer named Hiker Lenny. For those of you who have read Of Mice and Men, this will be funny: immediately as I start facing this guy, a guy on the bus begins talking incessantly about rabbits. I lol'd.
Secondly, and far more amusing on the part of the makers of Fire Red - I also came to face Hiker.... Eric? I think that was his name. Anyways, his challenge to me was: "Hit me with your best shot!" Odd, I thought, I'm listening to that Pat Benatar song... Maybe he was being cute, whatevs. No no, then, I defeat him and he replies "Fired away!" Pat Benatar lyrics have made their way into Pokemon. Awesome.