Jul 03, 2005 18:15
what an insane trip...heh.alot of things happened there at the expo and along the way back..more along the way back than there though lol.
first off..the expo was pretty good :),i didnt enjoy myself to the fullest extent,(but then again when do i ever do that anymore nowadays?)but i suppose there were reasons for that :).got to hang around with bunny for the past 2 days which was nice because i felt so out of place not knowing anyone there.*hugs bunny when she gets home*
second...man...some people just love to kill/ruin things dont they...hah.what im speaking is about the cosplayers there...it was like...1,000 naruto wannabe,s to like uhh..1 person who was being unique about their costume,it was annoying as hell turning every 5 seconds to see someone with a headband/dressed like naruto,sakura,sasuke,kankuro,gaara,or anything of the sort...its like geez...god damn...go watch some other animes and be someone else for once ya know?
i did see a alot of good ones though :).someone was abrielle from crest/banner of the stars...sexy outfit..she portrayed it pretty nice :).and of course there was guilty gears...a full group appeared on the first day and they looked pretty sweet...but there was no one in a Ky Kiske outfit which bummed me..but thats ok :).
oh yea...too many chi cosplayers too..ugh..that one is on daves part lol.
they also had some porn stars there(dunno why...but they did :S),cleopatra,linda tran, and some other girl with cleo.wasnt all that amazing but eh...just thought id mention it.
they had quite alot of booths too..with games coming out too which were nice..like fullmetal alchemist 2,gundam games(dunno which one sorry),one piece battle(forgot the full name..)and quite a slew of others.
also had alot of merchandise being sold too,alot of collector items,plushies,wall scrolls,even swords,wooden swords...you know the whole deal :P.
money seemed to be a problem "once" i arrived...that wont happen again next year :).whereas it was 240$ for two nights for two people?(yea i payed for jared)and yet i have to share a room with 7 other people and I have to sleep on the floor with nothing..? cmon now...i practically payed for the whole room itself...so i got kinda jewed out of that whole deal..but its ok..lesson learned :).next year will be better...and i will plan for it this time with rooms.
i didnt buy much for myself either..now that i think about it..i didnt get anything for myself...only got stuff for some others...due to lack of cash...its ok though :).
also had alot of events going on,some dances,raves(yea...raves..hah!),and a band playing naruto music(wtf..)their voices sucked ass too which made it very untolerable.but since i only stayed for two days i dunno the full jist of whats going on there..its ok..saves room for next year :).
the hotel i was in had a 24hour arcade which was nice...had a few pools both indoor and outdoor.
well...the most interesting event happened on the way back home from there this morning :D...and god damn..it was kinda great :D.well..along the road to take jared home,there was a huge ass traffic jam which came to a complete stop.we had to basically maneuver out of there to the side of the road and back up to the nearest ramp,which thank god wasnt far...but uh..heh..fun things there...as i was backing up i barely tapped into a guys front end car...he didnt care as long as we got out of there..which was nice...whew..
but before all that..we had girls running around topless screaming :S,was uhh..nice? but annoying too...they were drunk anyway so it didnt matter much heh.apparantly some power lines were cut along the freeway which is what caused the whole complete stop.
which leads me to getting home at 6:30AM in the morning...so i just crashed and now here i am updating you :P.so yea...im tired due to car lag(haha a derivative of jet lag :P),moneyless for the time being and now back to being bored...until tomorrow :D,which i will be lighting off bottle rockets and alot of other things behind my friends house..or maybe in moapa valley..who knows.
so next year people if your planning on going...DO IT HELLA EARLY! :D.and now i go out for food...later.