
May 05, 2008 18:25

IIII caaaaan't waiiiiiiiiiiiiit to get the fuuuuuuuuck outta' mah houuuuuuuuuuuuuuse~

I'm so tired of my siblings. They're so fucking annoying. Well, moreso the little one. He's a prissy little bitch that needs a good kick in the face or two. He thinks he's so 'high and mighty' 'cause he gets an A on his stupid 2nd grade level spelling test. Or math test with multiplication. He's rubbing it in mah face that I dropped outta' school when he doesn't know half the shit that goes on in my head and in my life.

Fucking bastard. Sometimes I just seriously wanna lock him in the (nonexistant) basement and wait for him to cry his eyes out and whine until his vocal chords wear out and snap.

I s'pose it's frustrating being financially dependent when I want to get the hell away from my family.
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