Idiotic Quotes v 1.0

Dec 27, 2007 01:09

Because I need somewhere to put these. xD!!! Will be updated regularly. Or irregularly. New quotes in bold.

Me: 'Kaneko, the man who painted the album cover of Faith, is well known for his nude subjects which prompts Hyde in the interview to point out that he was posing naked below the area of the portrait...'
Me: Damn I wish that were true
Nami: xDD and that you were the painter...?
Me: O_o I didn't think of that!!!! >D

Me: ...shush. The zombies rp totally had foundation. >.> So much foundation that it suffocated itself and caved in. Like Gackt's face.

Nami: There. copypaste. you're good.

Me: While Native American dialects die every day, Engrish continues to spread.

Me: The day I think [Kamijo's new hairstyle] looks good on Kamijo is the day Hyde's reign has ended. I think that can be determined from this.
Me: It may also coincide with the apocalypse.
Me: Studies show that the apocalypse may soNamiow be linked to the loss of Takarai Hideto's most rabid worshiper/fan. As such, it is advised to prevent such a loss from happening. That prevention is further assisted by Kamijo's new retarded hairstyle. In essence, that hairstyle is actually a conspiracy of sorts to steer said Hydeist away from Kamijo. Additionally, as one person suggested, more fanservice on the idol in question's part is highly advised.
Me: ...

((Talking about a horror game))
JB: ...and don't play it, Nami
Nami: I'll tell you how it ends~ : D
JB: We're gonna play it during Halloweeen
Nami: Oh okay. Killjoy.
Nami: "we" meaning I'll be playing and you two will be screaming?
JB: yes.

Nami: Yeah... so I had this plant that played dead. Problem is, it didn't come back.

Us: *crossing the street illegally to go to the Hyde concert*
Me: We're J-rocking!!
Me: ...
Me: Jaywalking. Walking.
Nami: *rolls eyes* xD; well, we'll be J-rocking soon....

JB: Imagine that guy... then multiply him by by 1000. That's LHS
Nami: Except without the nice hair and makeup, ne?
JB: Yeah. Like. Just imagine he sneezed while getting his hair cut
JB: And orgasmed over too much yaoi while putting on his makeup.

Nami: You know... after "foursome," it just sounds weird.
Tor: Uhh... and it doesn't sound weird before that?
Nami: No, the action does, but the word doesn't. I mean, "twosome, threesome, foursome" all are okay-sounding words, but "fivesome" just sounds awkward.
Tor: ....what about onesome? xD
Nami: ouh. xD didn't think about that..... uh....
Sam: How can you have a onesome?
Nami & Tor: ...........xD;

((Looking at pictures of Hyde))
Nami: The screencaps from "Hello" make me laugh.
Me: YESH. I told you: Either microphone makeoutage, constipation-ness, or orgasm-ness.
Nami: ......this one's definitely the "orgasm-ness" one. o.O;
Me: : D!?
Nami: *sends*
Me: O_o
Me: ...... *looks around*
Me: *printsandhidespiccyunderbed*

Security dude: And the drinking limit here is the same as in California. So no drinking.
Me: *really quiet sarcasm* Oh damn.
Joanna: *in her loud Joanna-way* WHAAAAAT?
Security-dude: o-o; you're drinking now?
Me: ;_;' noooo! I hate alcohol........

Mr. G: I've always wanted to go up to a restaurant and say "Party of 57~"


Nami: I think I swallowed my stitches, and I think they're stuck in my throat
Nami: But I'm not sure
Nami: But I think they probably are

Me: I don't have MPD. THEY do!

Andrew: Did you know? My spinal fluid is a shade of blue .__.
Everyone Else: ._______. hmmm?
Andrew: .....most people's is yellow............

Bottle of Juice: Made from 100% juice. From concentrate. With other ingredients
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