Reveals for Kaixingforyou 2014/5!

Jan 18, 2015 12:00

So... the long-awaited reveals are finally here!

Firstly, there are two things that have to be explained.

There are two fics for afterwords because their original writer disappeared on us for three whole days. That had caused the mods to panic, and we went to contact pinch-hitters because we thought that their original writer was going to drop out. By the time their original writer came back, we had already gotten a pinch-hitter, and we didn't want to waste the pinch-hitter's effort, hence we let them write and now afterwords has two gift fics.

Also, one of our participants' computer broke towards the end of our exchange, and hence they are unable to submit their fic. For this, we have also contacted a pinch-hitter, but the participant has also promised to submit the fic to us as soon as possible, hence another participant might end up with two gift fics as well.

The mods would also like to sincerely thank the pinch-hitters: blake_maclaren, glassfromscars, who have both written 2 fics, on top of their original one and zyxisagod, who responded the fastest to us when we needed pinch-hitters, the three of them deserve a really big pat on their backs. We are really grateful to you guys who have stepped up and helped us when we were about to pull our hairs out, you guys have really done a lot to ensure that this exchange ended smoothly!

Kaixingforyou round 1 2014/5 has produced a total of 20 fics (including one Kai/Lay/Baekhyun fic), with a total word count of ~107930 words! That's 20 more Kaixing fics for everyone to read! There was no Guess Who! post because the mods felt like we have already pushed back the postings of the fics far enough, since we had originally intended to end on Jongin's birthday. Due to some unforeseen circumstances (like some participants not handing in their fics on time, mods having last minute real life issues etc.), postings have started and ended later than planned, and the mods would like to apologize for that.

Now, it is time for the mods' long speeches-

We've finally reached the end!!!! Yay!

First of all, I'd like to thank all of our writers for participating in this exchange!! It would not have been possible without you all and we hope to see you again if we do decide to have a round 2.

Also, a special shoutout to our pinch-hitters: blake_maclaren, glassfromscars and zyxisagod who ended up writing a lot for us. I will be forever grateful to all of you. -sobs-

And now, I'd like to apologize as things got quite messy at the end as well as for the mistakes I've made as a mod due to my inexperience.

To my dearest partner and the other mod, thank you for doing all the html stuff because I think I'd have died doing them. I swear I'll buy you bubble tea as a thank you gift....someday in the near future.

-Mod M

It felt like I was on a rollercoaster the whole time. It started from our crazy idea and ended in this. I will never forget how we'll stress over this and sort of scream at each other to get our asses working. No regrets though, because more kaixing for everyone \o/ I honestly felt like I had only done more towards the end of our exchange, and I would like to thank Mod M who has slaved herself trying to reply to everyone's emails and tweets when we were drowning in real life stuff (while I popped up every now and then). I would also like to thank my tlist, those who have helped me because I was such a noob in html, you all have saved me and yes I think I might have finally gotten the hang of things. Not to forget the participants who have helped make this possible in the first place! Thank you for staying with us throughout the past 3 months or so, and for bearing with us and all. Hope to see you in the next round (if there is one!)

- Mod K

It's now time for the final reveals!


Flowing River, for setaxis by zyxisagod, 2077, pg-13
Zhang Yixing finds love again and struggles to accept it.

it's summer love, for amaxing_loser by skyroll, 6140, pg-13
There's nothing but love in the air for first time camp counselor Kim Jongin.

sweet potato devil, for canadaphile by seekingsugar, 3522, pg
All Yixing wanted was to make the perfect for his coworker's housewarming party. He's not sure how a house demon of his very own became part of the equation.


gravity will always win (so i'm falling for you), for fairyminseok by afterwords, 7000, r
Jongin's just another boy who is pretty for the eyes, but maybe not for the heart. Yixing could be wrong though.

the second time around 1| 2, for subduedblue by blake_maclaren, 10011, pg-13
To claim his inheritance, Jongin has to go back to Beijing where he crosses paths with an old flame. Despite having established his life in Seoul, will the possibility of a renewed love be enough to make him stay in Beijing for good?

we are the pieces, for glassfromscars by canadaphile, 3850, pg-13
After three weeks, four days, ten hours, and twenty-seven minutes of sighing and moping, Jongin moves on.

The New Transfer Student, for everyone by glassfromscars, 2168, pg-13
Everything about her seems a little dated, Jongin realizes, from her poodle skirt to her plain white blouse. It’s endearing, in a strange way that makes Jongin uncomfortable.


killing and loving, for skyroll by subduedblue, 4849, nc-17
Jongin leaves his assassin life and Yixing behind, but he should have known he could never truly leave Yixing.

Unexpected Expectancies 1| 2, for everyone by amaxingbaek, 15000, pg-13
Jongin has always known that he was going to be gifted a hybrid one day, but what he isn't expecting is just how much said hybrid ends up becoming a large part of his life.

Deep Breath, for zyxisagod by fairyminseok, 3412, nc-17
Inspiration comes in the strangest forms, in the strangest people, but Jongin is willing to let himself be figured out.

Dastardly Deceptions, for seekingsugar by zyxisagod, 8789, pg-13
The Beagle Line thinks that it's an awful shame that Jongin and Yixing only interact within the context of their friends and work hard to rectify this. Alternatively: Jongdae wants to get into Junmyeon's pants and the only way to do this is through Junmyeon's cousin, Jongin.


Skin, Memories, for theforgettable by bluedreaming, 6315, pg-13
Jongin dances with his fingers. Yixing's skin is a living memorial to his past.

The Siren Call and the Porcelain Throne, for amaxingbaek by helaas, 5400, pg-13
Jongin keeps hearing a beautiful voice around campus and struggles to find the owner. Baekhyun is not helpful.

At the Curtains of the Waterfall, for blake_maclaren by ANONYMOUS, 1869, pg-13
Falling in love with your best friend is always a slow and gradual process.

Payback, for kairumption by glassfromscars, 2458, nc-17
Jongin is wound up so tight he can barely look at Baekhyun and Yixing.


Club Music and Cheese, for afterwords by blake_maclaren, 1940, pg-13
No matter how much Yixing hated working at the club, Jongin and his sweet lines all make it worth it.

untitled, for afterwords by setaxis, 3765, pg-13
Everyone thought Yixing was coping well with Jongin's departure from EXO. They weren't exactly right.

I'm Only Sleeping, for helaas by theforgettable, 7907, pg-13
Jongin reminds Yixing that home isn't a place as much as it's a haven for long-lost dreams.

Star in Our Hearts, for glassfromscars by canadaphile, 1483, g
Just being a high school student is hard enough, but trying to balance homework and exams with saving the world is a bit more stressful than Jongin really signed up for.

marigolds 1|2, for bluedreaming by kairumption, 9957, nc-17
Sometimes staying in one place is the same as running away. [MAMA superpowers AU.]

This is it, this is the end of Kaixingforyou's first round. The mods hope that all of you have had at least some fun throughout this exchange, and we would like to encourage the readers to leave comments on the fics they've read! Even a simple I liked it :) might make a writer's day, you'll never know! They have worked hard, thank you, our dear writers! Fics can now be crossposted to your own lj and other accounts, and there would be no friending meme for this round, but feel free to comment below with your twitter/tumblr or other social media accounts if you like!

masterlist, round 1, !2014

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