Feb 05, 2009 03:01
Because I can’t sleep. Because I don’t want to think about Geology anymore. Because I’ve now been tagged four-ish times. And because I thought it might be fun.
25 Things
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a Note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, chose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
But who really cares about the rules?
1- When I do pushups alone, I like to look in the mirror and imagine how wings would look growing out of my shoulder blades. No, it doesn't help me with my push ups, but it does help me remember to look up while doing them.
2- The fact that I'm now finally getting holes in my armpits tickles me to death. Yes, I know it's not really a hole. But that's what I think of when I see it.
3- My favorite color is bluegreen. When forced to pick between one and the other, I'm usually confused.
4- The thing I miss the most from my high school days is ballet. I thought when I walked away from it, that I'd be through. However I miss it like crazy. Unlike violining.
5- I still think about the people who are no longer really a part of my life. No matter where/how we ended, I ultimately wish them happiness. When I sit at a bus stop or am waiting for a class, in those brief minutes between the time (the phrase makes sense if you either think about it more or stop thinking about it at all) I think about what they might be doing, or could be doing, or should be doing.
6- I used to hate my middle name. Now I wish I could have the time back to thank her. I wonder if you understand anymore. I hope that your days really aren't gone. And instead you spend your time in pleasant dreams. I miss you. Even though you are still here. You were too good to me.
7- I don't seem to express myself in the most usual of ways. However, I think my circumlocution better describes events and people and just generally the memories. It's all about the emotions.
8- I have a pretty good nose. So one of the first things that I will classify you by is your scent. It bothers me when people don't have smells at all.
9- I like burning candles. I discovered that this past semester. The warm, unique smells that wash over you when you enter my room are amazing. I don't think the others can appreciate it as much.
10- As much as I have enjoyed Psychology, I believe I should have been Geology major with a dual minor in Women's Studies and Comparative Literature. I have loved just about all those classes. If I'd have known then what I know now, I probably would have worked harder for a Spanish or Chinese minor. That probably makes even less sense.
11- As much as I hated my time in Taiwan, I loved the experience. I think my best memory is seeing the Queen's Head and watching the moon rise. That was beautiful and my pictures (if I ever get around to posting them) just don't do it justice. Not to mention I learned more than I thought. Just being able to do the basics with my mom makes it worth it. I might even go back.
12- Just about all my nerd facts I've learned about movies are from my brother. I still think the people at gaming tell the best jokes.
13- I have a slight obsession with koi fish. They are beautiful. Not graceful like a cat. Not spunky like a dog. Not evil like a bunny. But just the hypnoticness...
14- I unfortunately seem to have the memory capacity of said koi fish. It's almost like I stopped learning after high school. Nothing seems to get in or out. Important thoughts are often derailed by the noticing of SHINEYS!!!1!
15- Scritches hold a certain power over me.
16- I have this weird thing where I bow and have a hard time maintaining eye contact with people who are older or hold a higher power than I do. It's weird and awkward. And I hardly notice that I do it anymore. No, it's not an Asian thing and my parents certainly didn't train me. While some people won't bat an eye or will even participate, I think I've gotten more weird looks and quite a few people who've gotten angry at me for it. I'd have to say that this is taekwondo's most salient aspect in my life.
17- I still haven't figured out why when I'm around some people I lose all power of speech. And sometimes even the power of thought. I very often will gape like a fish, opening and shutting my mouth, trying to find something non-weird to say. This does not often happen.
18- My favorite flavor of chapstick is watermelon. My like with it began when my best friend in middle school gave me a stick (I'm still wondering if it was previously used) for Christmas.
19- I seem to have an almost constant narration in my head. It's kinda like with the main character, JD, from Scrubs. I even daydream like he does. Weird, ridiculous things. Usually involving duct tape. Which can be very sexy.
20- Most people seem to think that I enjoy emasculating men by having them wear bunny ears, makeup, and dresses (or some combination thereof). While this may be true to a certain degree, I genuinely find men to be attractive with those additional... accessories?
21- I usually feel a certain shame when White people can speak Chinese fluently. It's almost like I let everyone down- my parents, my heritage, myself... stuff. Combine that with my sometimes crappy English and I begin to hate myself a little. On the bright side, I have found situations where it has been useful… relatively few and far between, but there nonetheless.
22- I miss Sparkey so much. Only in those random day dreams can I really remember. He always listened and understood. Even when he didn't. I see him running around sometimes. In the far away and green.
23- I think my favorite kicks are round kicks. But I do really like the spinning crescents. And axe kicks... On days when I can see the moon from the window, I like to imagine that She is watching. She always ends up hiding her face so I never know quite how to feel.
24- I particularly like tranceish music. I'll listen to anything from country to rap, but the trance is just something special. Or the other stuff that Pandora chooses that's similar. I have too many "favorite" songs. I can't find anything in my YouTube account anymore without some serious searching... and even then. >>;;
25- Slip-on shoes are so much more awesome than those with laces. I just can't seem to tie them right (like my belt).