(Don't be fooled. I'm still on hiatus.)
HEY GUYS. This follows in the vein of my previous
Twilight Uncanon Drabble-A-Thon (no fandom!bashing. Trust me, I hate it too) and follows all those rules.
+ Comment with a drabble. Doesn't necessarily have to be 100 words, either. Just try and make it fit into one comment.
+ It has to be centered around a noncanon pairing (think Pevensiecest, Mrs. Beaver/Minotaur, you go for it.)
+ In the subject line, write title - pairing - rating (g, pg, pg13, r, nc17)
+ Any pairing/threesome/moresome is totally welcome.
+ You can post more than once. Spam me, hon.
+ Pimp this out for me! I need your help getting this to everyone. I mean, I'm still a newbie to this fandom :D
That's about all? I may or may not make a masterlist cause, after all, I am supposed to be on hiatus. OH WELL.
Drabble away, lovelies ♥