Prague photos

Aug 03, 2009 02:03

I'm in Vienna now, where I finally have time to post a few photos from Prague. Prague was a great little town, but to me (jaded New Yorker that I am) it felt more like a country town then a city. On the whole it was fairy-tale picturesque, except in a few places where you found giant Soviet concrete block buildings wedged in between Renaissance / Baroque loveliness

On my way to Vienna from Prague, I stopped by Bratislava (the capital of Slovakia, which used to be part of the country Czechoslovakia), and found it to be an even smaller version of a European country town, only with more Soviet concrete buildings (pics of Bratislava and subsequent hydrofoil ride down Danube later).

I'm quite eager to check out Vienna, seat of the Hapsburgs, and what seems to be a cosmopolitan imperial capital. Anyway, here are a few pics from Prague.

Prague Rooftops and giant Soviet TV tower

View of Prague from Prague Castle

View of Royal ballroom inside Prague Castle (you can almost hear the waltzes of balls long past; it's so Cinderella).

View of Prague Castle from Charles Bridge at night

More pics to come including the Bone Church!
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