Apr 20, 2012 19:54
So I've had two plot bunnies running around in my head for a while and both would make decent webcomics I think. Well one of them was supposed to be one right off the bat but well I donno. I like to draw I just feel like everything it coming out terrible and I just...don't know. No confidence to draw lately but I think making either of them a plain story wouldn't do it justice.
Idea One:
a- Harry Potter fan comic set in modern day USA
b- Original setting of my own creation about the same young girl and free to mess about with countries and setting and history as I please.
c-Urban fantasy set in modern USA but no connection to HP beyond being a hidden world of magic, possibly with schools and such.
Idea Two:
Woman adopts cat from shelter. Cat turns out to be a magical being (from another dimension?) and uses runes to do magic. Woman creates masks and costumes for her job. Cat inscribes runes into the leather and this lets the woman shapeshift when wearing one of the masks. Possible superhero type story? Not sure where to go beyond that.
Theoretically they could be made into the same story but both main characters are just that...main characters and I have no idea how to connect them if they can be at all. Ah well it will come together eventually.
-Posted from Dreamwidth account
story ideas,