(no subject)

Oct 08, 2006 08:59

its 9 am, ive been at work for an hour already and i didnt even walk in the front door more than 7 hours ago. in other words, im pooped. this tim hortons that is supposed to be keeping me alive and alert is not doing said job.
i love the fog. i know its dangerous, blah blah blah but i do, i love it. right now, its so foggy out i cant even see wyandotte from my desk, and normally i can see all the way down to at least university. it just looks so pretty.
lets see, since mid september, things have been intersting i guess you could say, ill throw in some important dates.

september teen something: keg party and we all get just stupid. i lose my id, which sucks, but my birthday is in two weeks so im over it.

2 weekends ago: im sick as a dog and dont leave the house from friday to monday. shitty cause carly is home this weekend too. it sucked,. but im almost positive that is what death feels like

my birthday: out of control day. we started drinking at 7 and before we even left the house i had alredy completely what is normally the cycle for a whole night. 8 shots, 3 drinks, and a nice throw up in the bathroom. that did not stop me though. we hit up cheneys for a fish bowl, treehouse for a handful of drinks, and then the beach for i dont even know. we left the bar after 2 and went back to aslheys. we were all slop shows and i loved every minute of it. if you would like more details to this story, please inquire within.

the day after my bbirthday: laura, cam, and cams friend brandon and i went to a tigers game. it was damn cold, but fun none the less

last week: krystine let me know that my ID has been found which means that i can go to chigago again on reading week with laura hopefulyl!! yahoo!

school: on the whole is going well. i had a mid term on thursday as well as an assignment due that is worth 25% of my historical methods mark so hopefully i will do well on that. ive dont one other paper, which by my standards, i did 'decent' on. other than that, ive actually been keeping up with my readings and staying on top of things. next week, (not this one in a couple of days) is going to be really busy though between assignments and mid terms. yes, plural for both.

last night: i actually almost fought a boy.. and then khodr almost fought this guy too. he told car she was fat to her face and i tripped on him and he called me ugly to my face and then i tripped out even more. he ended up not being let in the bar after standing in line for almost an hour. HA! but seriously, i had my fist ready to swing but i didnt want to not get in the bar so i stuck with verbal abuse hahaha. honestly though, a) who does that and b) who keeps chirping girls after doing that? douchebag pieces of shit. thats who. for a more colourful version of what i actually said, again, inquire within.

thanksgiving: delicious.

- i had to quit the arena, that was balls cause now im broke as a joke and i have terrible availability between school and knox so im fucked until at least next semester.
- theres this guy that i guess you could say i have a thing for, and im mad that i do, cause i told myself i wouldnt, but i do. i guess its alright. whatever.
- when the girls come home from schooll... thats when i have the most fun.
- laura and i are giong to see the barenaked ladies together at the end of the month
- i like that aislinn sheeva and i can all engage in that 'talk' with each other.. if you ask me, we deserve it too.
- im exhausted all of the time
- only 6 more hours worth of work left.
- please, leave me a comment, or call me at work. i cant stay awake.
- shopping in the states on monday. fabulous.
- sheevanator <3
- i have decided that i dont know what i was thinking at the time.. nor do i know how i could have
possibly been thinking at all
- i didnt get any birthday cards from my friends, except for from michelle. that was kind of sad.
- ashish called me on my birthday, hes moving home and i like that.

thats it. call me. at knox. bitches.
also, i think i might clean out my wardrobe again, anyone interested?
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