when youre young, life is about the pursuit of fun.

Sep 17, 2006 10:35

well i suppose this entry  can be deemed long over due, and to you sheeva, and any others who read this, i appologize. i have lots of things to update you on, dating back into august, so sit tight boys and girls, its about to spill over.

Thursday August 24:
 Laura and I have an extravaganza day in the states. Our plan was to go over to a tigers vs. white sox game, then go to dinner and shopping.. and all didend up going as planned..but with a few minor changes and adventures.. they are as follows
a) the customs officer made laura get out of the car andopen her trunk then made a smart ass remark about the football, basketball and rollerblades she had in her trunk stating "so you play football, basketball and you rollerblade" laura had to specify "no, they are my boyfriends, he got in an accident"  .. "oh, of course they are" yeah of course asshole.
b) we get to comerica and we have a coupon for tickets to any tigers game so we go to redeem them and what do you know, the game is sold out and our coupon is no good today. this does not stop us. 
c) we buy our tickets off of a scalper in the street.. we really wanted to go, dont judge. and besides, we spent a fortune on parking!
d) we stole someone else's seats cause they were closer and way better. 
e) we got pretty drunk
f) we didnt know how to get from comerica onto i75 south to get to eureka road, so we crossed the tunnel back into windsor and then took the bridge over again so we could find our way. 
g) we went shopping at southland mall.. spent more money than we had and then went to dinner at olive garden. 
that sums up event number 1. it was quite fun!

Labour Day Weekend:
This would be the weekend that Aislinn, Chelsey and I went to Sheevas cottage along with Derek and Denis. For some reason, Aislinn and I thought it would be pracitcal to split a case of Keiths for the day/night. apparently thats a lot of beer haha. so we had the genious idea to play hour of power... at 130 in the afternoon. we got half way and then decided that it would be a good time to take a break for abit.. so we did.. then preceded to smoke a joint in the meantime. needless to say, i was already stupid... but for some reason, we kept on playing. after our hour of power that was actually more like 45 minutes, we played afull round of kings.. and smoked again. i dont know what we were all thinking this day. but let me tell you,. i was stuuuupiiiddd.  the night consisted of skinny dipping in the lake, more drinking, napping, more drinking.. just a slopshow. i encourage you allt o speak to aislinn about her experience at the cottage.

Wednesday Spetember 6:
Laura treated me to quite the evening. We went to see John Mayer and Sheryl Crow. Now before the concert  we were having a debate about why Sheryl Crow is head lining instead of Johnny Boy. Well, allow me to tell you that the answer became very very clear as son as she took the stage. Now dont get me wrong here, john Mayer is an amazing performer and wins me over every time but sheryl crow is absolutely incredible. One of those eople that i could see over and over and never get tired of. not just a performer, an entertainer as well. She played an awesome set consisting of every song of hers i know and.. of course. love. all in all, it was an amazing night. <3

So far, so good. I really cant complain about it at all... minus my 830 class which is a killer for me to wake up for, but its not too bad once i actually wake up. All of my classes are fairly decent, thought I dont know too many people in my classes.. a few acquaintances i  guess you could say... which hopefully will just mean that i pay more attention. Ive actually been doing, and keeping up with, my readings belive it or not. I have high intentions for this semester, and in the broader spectrum of things, this year. Historical Methods is a boring piece of shit, so be warned anyone who is a history major. you are not in for a treat with that class... though i am hoping that it will be useful information to have in the future? The class jill and i have together would SUCK if jill wasnt in it.. luckily, she is. =*)) yay!

- i started at the arena again and its not what i was expecting it to be. i guess after working here at the pool so much, i forgot what its like to work for minimum wage. but ill stick it out.. i could always use the money!
- aislinn and i might go to miami! just waiting for her to speak with her parents, thats exciting stuff! its a super cheap trip deal and it wouldbe fabulous.. so aislinn. get on that!!
- i got tickets for laura and i to go see BNL at the palace on october 27. that will be a good show. 
- my friend from toronto who i havent seen in ages..since about grade 11 came down this weekend, which was great to see him. 
- my birthday is in less than two weeks! yayayayayyayayayaya
- friday night was just stupid. we went to a keg party and got absolutely anihilated.  dumb on my behalf since i had to wake up so damn early yesterday, but a good time nonetheless. needless to say, we took it easy last night cause we were all out done by that party. 
- ive gotten myself into a situation that i dont know how to deal with.  i guess its one of those things where what you what to do and what you should do are two different things. i think it wll end up leading to me being the bad guy but thats something to deal with when it comes. i guess i just need some good advice. so far ive gotten "you gotta do something about this"     "just play it by ear... take it as it comes"         and      "nothing wrong with that." 
so really, ive gotten things from all over the map. what do i do?
- i worked my life away this weekend, so i cannot wait til pay day! yahoo!
- my phone bill was $6.17  cause i overpaid last time. that was marvelous!
- i feel like something is missing and i dont know what it is 
- my room is almost done! i just have to put up the cork board! yahooo! i cant wait. i will post a picture once it is done and decorated for all to see. 
- michelle burnt me the new alexisonfire, bnl, and john mayer, all of which are phenominal cds. michelles the shit. 
- greys anatomy season 3 premeir on thursday. the anticipation is killing me! i need to get a life
- puppy propoganda needs to be increased so i am asking for all of you to post your best, most convincing argument of why everyone should have a puppy. and by everyone, i mean me and jill more or less... but you know. 
- i proably should have lj cut this but.. meh. 
- i think ill go shopping tomorrow before class. i could go for something new. perhaps a sweater? a shirt? hmmm. 
- as per usual, the arena season has started, and therefor i have started drinking coffee again. 
- this weekend was queens homecoming and i wanted to go soooo badly with jes and the guys but i had to work and i couldnt get rid of my shifts, which was a bummer, but i guess i need the money more anyways. 
- www.perezhilton.com

i have nothing else to say.. so ah, yeah, post me a comment er somethin. 
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