Mar 24, 2012 14:58
These past couple days, my fingers have started supplying the incorrect write/right whenever I'm typing a sentence. I've never had that problem before, though I admit similar situations like their/they're/there and two/too/to still trip me up on occasion. I know when to use them, and as soon as I use them incorrectly I go back and fix it, it's just the initial typing that's wrong. Fingers, why you no grammar write/right/rite...FUCK. ;)
Also, are those considered homophones? Heterographs? I can never remember. I love English in application (i.e. reading and writing), but my lack of interest in the technical crap is the reason I didn't major in it. That and I could never get along with the English majors I met at tutoring because they took such offense if a science major dared tried to correct their (usually inadequate) grammar. Bitch all you want about the hard science's aversion to flowery language, but the strict rules of technical writing will sure bone up a person's grammar. That and teach you how to use very very long sentences. XD