Jan 29, 2012 22:58
I think the goal of British television is to kill my soul.
My freaking god!
Downton Abbey tonight! I CAN'T EVEN! Ugh! My heart. They just need to stop doing things to characters that I love.
And apparently the internet is waging war against me so I can't watch the last ten minutes of Sherlock. I swear...I just want to watch the last 10 minutes of "A Scandal in Belgravia". Which I'm -really- enjoying, and I'm sucked right into. Man. What a fantastic show! I still don't know what happened in the last 10 minutes of the previous episode. Something about Moriarty, that much I figured out from the beginning of this episode. But I swear, this show is just so good!
Oh British television...what have you done to me?
If I don't work tomorrow, I've already decided I'm going to McDonald's. And I'm getting some Chicken Bites, and my free coffee.
I wasn't productive this weekend at all. I did absolutely nothing today. Oh wait, I colored a picture in one of my coloring books. And I did a good work out when a little after I woke up. And I showered. That was about as productive as I got.
Man. I need to work this week. I need to do SOMETHING. I am so bored. I like working. I miss working. So I'm really hoping I can work this week.
I'm going to go hash it out with the internet and then finish watching Sherlock, and go to bed.