So, I'm flighty. Horribly so. I don't really update this often and it was down to just when I updated All that Matters. Which I also don't do often. I would love to update my livejournal and my story more often. It's not possible right now. Not because I'm pressed for time, which I am, but because I'm really...uncertain of where to go with All that Matters. I don't have any intentions of giving it up -- goodness, I would love to finally, actually finish a story (aside from oneshots) -- and I will continue and update when inspiration hits me again.
Anybody still reading the story, or still checking this - Thank you. It's been over two years now and I know it's ridiculous but things keep changing for me and for everyone else, I'm sure. If you're looking for something to read while you wait for a new chapter -- that's not my attempt at flattering myself -- I have written a couple of oneshots. And I'm still on, but I'll leave the links to them here.
Anyway, take care and let's get things rolling again, yeah? Yeah. :]