(no subject)

Jul 12, 2005 13:46

put xx after what applies to you

I have gone canoeing. xx
I have no X's in my screenname.
I have won a contest before.
My name has been announced on the radio.
I have nothing better to do all day but take surveys. (sum times..hehe)xx
I love water.xx
I swim to get exercise.xx
I talk to squirrels.xx .. um duh..who doesnt???????
I wish I was Napoleon Dynamite.xx
I have a picture site.xx
I watch more than 1 movie a week normally.xx
I enjoy reading.
I like to go places with my family.xx
I recently went to the hospital.
I always say 'thank you' & 'you're welcome'.
I express what I feel all the time. (HA!)
I like meeting new people.xx
I have moved before.xx
I have been in a hottub naked in the winter.
I have been through the clouds before. (i guess they mean in a plane?)xx
I listen to music at night.xx
I play for the sports team at school.
I go to a private school.
I have lied about my age before. (hehe)xx
I would rather sit home than go to a job.xx
I have a poodle.
I like to take pictures of wildlife.
I find a lot of things in life hard.xx
I never fail.
I am good with computers.xx
I wish I was perfect. (but as we ALL no..no one is perfect..)xx
I think the world will come to an end soon.
Blondes are the best.
I am scared of sharks.xx
I have almost been attacked by a shark.
I have seen someone in my family naked. uhm? ok?xx
I know all the lyrics to the CDs I own.xx
I like to wear black.
I own fake pearls.xx
It matters what brands I wear.xx
I can't cook.xx
I am scared of clowns.
I wish I was never bored.xx
I like peaches.xx

115 Questions

1. What is the display name on your xanga site? err. mzkaitypoo
2. Name the last person who left a comment on your xanga. some person that idk..
3. What relation do you have to them? umm none
4. What do your socks have on them? not wearing socks
5. Do you write on your shoes? no..
6. Are you listening to music right now? no
7. If so, what?
8. Does your name spell anything cool if you scramble the letters? dont think so
9. Do you have freeze pops in your freezer? no
10. What is your favorite flavor freezepop? pink&blue
11. How often do you go running? sometimes with mommy dearest
12. What is the longest survey you have taken? this one
13. If you could be any dairy product, what would it be? err. milk. cuz no1 likes drinking milk so i wouldnt die.. or anything..by bein sswallowed..okay that was weird.
14. Have you ever been callen a whore? err. yes. i think so.
15. Do you buy clothing for your animals? yes..considering my dog has a raincoat & a harley davidson doorag. and a mexican sombrero.
16. Can you speak any other languages fluently? no..
17. What does your font look like on your instant messenger service?(name, color, size) uhm...georgia..brightish pink...size 9
18. Do you think you will have kids in the next 5 years?umm no
19. How old is your youngest friend? err. my dog. and shes 3.
20. What was the last word to come out of your mouth? OHHH ITS STRAWBERRY
21. Do you play online games?um no
22. How much weight can you lift?not much
23. What TV show would you like to be on? the real world
24. Do you watch the Sunday Stew on MTV? yep.sometimes.
25. Name 5 things you have done today.talked,ate jello,slept,walked,been disgusted.
26. What is the last food item you purchased?err. idk.
27. How much money did you spend on your last trip to the mall or store? like. 24.50. on a neat shirt.
28. If you were a rapper, what would your name be? igotantsinmybritchesICEICEizzle
29. Would you rather be ugly & smart or dumb & pretty? dumb and pretty
30. What kind of cars does your family have? trailblazer, truck
31. Do you dance alone in your bedroom? errr yes.
32. Do you walk around your room naked? no but i know a select few that do HAHAHH
33. What is your position when you sleep? i sleep on my side. all the time.
34. Do you love to sleep? yesss
35. Do you hate to sleep?no
36. What parts of your body sweat? i dont sweat i glisten
37. What sites do you use for surveys? alot
38. Do you dream about celebrities? yes a couple of times.
39. Have you ever slept naked?err no
40. What do you think about the most when bored? what to do.
41. Do you own a digital camera? yep
42. How many pictures do you have on your computer? a tonnnn
43. What was the last bug you saw in your house? eww this roach lookin thinggg. last night.
44. Do you own a pair of scented socks? no..where do u get those????!
45. Would you do anything for anyone? umm depends
46. Has anyone ever called you a hypocrit? err idts
47. When was the last time you made brownies? at erikas.
48. Do your parents let you stay home by yourself? yes
49. Do your parents try to be cool? err. yes. my mom does.
50. Do you have a job? nopee
51. If so, where do you work? ??
52. Do you get an allowance? im supposed to but i never ask for it. plus i spend it in advance. hahah
53. If so, how much money do you get? 10 dollars a week
54. Do you do a lot of things around the house? umm no..sometimes i do the dishes. and i empty the dishwasher. and get the mail.
55. Do you rent a lot of movies? nope
56. What is your favorite candy at the movie theater? cookie dough bites
57. When was the last time you have gotten a physical? err never
58. What sports do you play in the fall? none
59. What sports do you play in the winter? none
60. What sports do you play in the spring? nonee
61. Do you go to sports camps in the summer? nopee
62. Are you good with your money? HHHAH noo
63. Do you try to eat healthy? umm sometimes
64. How often do you work out? not a lot..but i should
65. Do you sew? no
66. Do you like to color? yeah
67. Are you good at drawing? NO!
68. Are you good at singing? derr hahah
69. Are you a good dancer? HAHA i wish
70. Do you ever go to clubs? no
71. Does your school have dances? yeah. they suck!
72. What is the most useless thing you own? idk
73. What is the ugliest clothing you have? my old limited too crap. ew.
74. Under what circumstances would you risk your life? uhmm..idk
75. Have you ever donated a body part or organ for someone you know? nopee
76. What time did you get up this morning? 1:30 pm
77. What will you do within the next hour? talk
78. Do you have a community pool? nope
79. Do you have a community golfcourse? nope
80. Is there a beach in your community? nope
81. Have you ever gone outside to pick up trash? err no
82. When was the last time you did community service? haha idk
83. Who was the last person you know to have a baby? uhhhhhhh. my pastors wife.
84. What did they name the baby? err idk
85. What college do you want to go to? usc
86. Do you think you will get any academic scholarships for college?maybe..idk
87. Do you think you will get any sports scholarships for college? probably not..
88. How short are the skirts you wear? err. shortt.
89. Do you regularly attend a church? yes
90. If so, do you usually get something out of it? kindaa sorta.
91. What is your definition of "cool"? someone whos nice, and funny. and is popular.
92. Is your house more hot or cold? room temperature..
93. What is the most common animal product you eat? chickenn
94. Do you enjoy pain? um.no.
95. What do you do to calm you down when you are scared? i shiver.but that doesnt relle calm me down. but when i get REALLY scared i will shiver. and i cant stop. like the time when i thot a tornado was coming. i shivered for like hours. nonstop.
96. Do you try to motivate yourself when you can't do something? yeah
97. Who is your protector? no one..
98. Do you do anything online to put you in danger? no not really
99. Has anyone ever thrown rocks up at your window? no i wish..
100. Have you ever danced with someone in the rain? yeah..melissa..hahaaha
101. What is your favorite pattern? polka dots
102. Who do you think the best role model is? no idea
103. What is the worst movie you have ever seen? fever pitch or confessions of a teenage drama queen
104. Are you an optimist? idk what that means
105. What words do you live by? idk??
106. What part of your body usually itches the most? err. my arms.
107. Have you ever failed at something? yeah a test..
108. What is your strongest belief? God
109. Do you put your money in what you believe in? um.i would be willing to
110. What is the worst thing someone could do? um. talk behind my back i guess
111. Have you ever been on a missionary trip? no
112. What is the current ad at the top of your page? err. theres not one.
113. What was the last thing you tried to freeze besides food? humm.. my dog
114. What does your shirt have on it? lms wildcat camp. and on the back it says. event staff. with a a paw.
115. What is your purpose on the earth? cause im the best ever and ur all jelous . duhh!
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