Weirdness Abounds

Feb 26, 2008 12:33

I somehow traveled back in time to 6th grade. But not the good part of 6th grade, after I had transferred to Odyssey, but the sucky part when I was in Sakai and everyone either hated me or ignored me. And even though I was back in my middle school-aged body, I still had all the mental capacity and memories and stuff from my entire life.

So when I came to I was in Mrs, O'Leary's classroom waiting for everyone else to arrive. We were giving some sort of presentations that day and I suspected I'd be one of the first to go. I was, in fact. So I went up, and gave my presentation. Apparantly I had written a paper. The weird part was that when I looked down at my paper I realized that it was written about one of my college professors, Patrick Dizney, and it some how made the time jump with me. This is odd since I've never written about Dizney before and I don't really plan to. But in the dream I guess I had. So I BSed my way through the presentation, trying not to make it sound like I was talking about MY college professor and what-not and then sat down.

Of course there was much snickering about how awkward and bumbling I was, but I didn't really care. I knew I'd undergone this before and that a replay of it didn't matter much was a blond girl sitting in front of me who looked like she was on her way to becoming a prostitute in the future. She was laughing at me with the rest at first, but then she couldn't find something, her eraser or something little like that and I gave her mine. She stopped laughing then.

Then the next person went up. He was a little, shy looking Korean boy (who I KNOW was never in my school) and he was really nervous. Though his paper was really thick, and I could tell that he'd done really well on it, he couldn't seem to remember what he was talking about and he stuttered and flustered even more than I did. Eventually he just gave up, handed in his paper to the student that was collecting them and sat down.

Everyone was laughing at him and the student collecting the papers tore off the upper corner of the top page and was chewing on it. Mrs. O'Leary started to take the kid who didn't present well to give him a stern talking to about not coming to class prepared- ignoring everything else. I followed her out the door and started telling her exactly what I thought of her and how much I despised this whole mess, how the school was treating everyone like prisoners and didn't do anything to discourage the horrible behavior I'd witnessed in her class. I'm sure all this startled her because I was talking with the rage and clarity of a 20 year old not an upset 12 year old. She was livid and said how she could have me expelled for this.

At that point I turned and walked to the office. I had decided I wasn't going to deal with this crap for a second time in my life after hating it the first time. I was going to see the principle and explain to him that according to anything any developmental psychology study has said- the way these kids were being treated was absolutely unjust, and counterproductive to their growth. In addition to throwing a few other well-chosen biting remarks in as well.

I got to the main office and looked at the sign over the desk and read it out loud. "The Goth Chick." The woman at the desk to my left pointed to the desk to her right. I went over to it to see a girl with black hair who was dressed relatively normally. I asked her how she got the name and she told me- although I can't remember now what she said.

After that I went in search of the Principle's office. After taking several wrong turns I found it. Now, I never met the Principle of Sakai when I was there and I'm fairly certain that it was not the person in my dream. He was tall, old and wizardly looking. He had the high squeaky indian voice of the Guru in Avatar. The moment I looked at him I forgot all the arguments I was going to make.

He told me that under normal circumstances he could have me suspended for a month for what I'd done. But instead he said we should take a walk and talk about things. This is where things get really weird. He started explaining to me that I would never understand anything unless I could talk to a child and get them to understand me. We left the building and were walking across this cement path, but it was no part of Sakai that I'd ever seen. It was like some glacial park with ice everywhere. There were a few families with small children, like 3 and 4 year-olds. They all had dark skin and blue eyes and were dressed like the southern water-tribe from Avatar. The principle told me that I was to escort one of these children around and get him to understand me and the things I was telling him about glaciers and stuff. I decided to do it. I've never really had much trouble talking to kids even if I've never really had the temper for them. At the same time though I was reformulating my argument from earlier. I the initial shock of meeting the weird loopy principle had worn off and I remembered what I was going to say to him.

I never got that far though. Half way through I stumbled across a playground and let the child go climbing around. The blond girl from earlier was also there. She and I started talking. She was saying that I was weird but that I wasn't as much of a loser as she thought I was before and that I seemed different to her today than on most days. For some inexplicable reason I decided to tell her the truth about how I was from the future and somehow I'd come back today and that I thought I'd be going home soon. At first she thought I was a weirdo- but then I offered up my Envy shorts as proof (yeah- totally messed up, I know.) I told her that these were mine, and they were clearly too big for me now. So that must mean that for them to really be mine I must have brought them with me from the future. Fortunately for me this was a dream and she bought that explanation without question. I told her that when she saw me tomorrow I wouldn't remember any of this because it would be young me again, that I was going home soon. She seemed upset by that but told me she promised to friends with little me from now on. At that point things went all sparkly and I knew I was returning to the future. And of course, that's when I woke up.

So, yeah. Really messed up. That said though, it is also one of the most vivid dreams I've ever remembered afterward. Even the coolest or weirdest of my dreams are usually a blur by the time I wake up. But big chunks of this one still stayed with me. There are a few points that were fuzzy, but for the most part I remember it really clearly. Anywho, let me know what you think.

dream, sakai, weirdness

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