... So.

Apr 18, 2012 23:27

On The State Of Things In The Computer Lab

Warnings for cursing of the Cybertronian variety.

    It is officially the fullest in here it's ever been. Without a fire alarm going outside. With such a sudden influx of people come Issues, as you might imagine.

Issue the First: Public Safety
    There was a girl sitting in the aisle earlier. With a backpack behind her chair. That another girl tripped over. And she couldn't have had it cramping her footroom why?
    Nobody takes their things with them if there's a fire alarm, so we'd probably have been tripping over it as we filed out. Or worse, The Loud Ones, running out as they tend to, would have tripped and faceplanted into the table in front. If there had been a legit fire in the back of the room before she left - and she's gone now - I would have crawled under the table. It would really be that much safer, I think.
    Translation: Things Could Be Much Better.

Issue the Second: Volume Control
    The volume in this room has skyrocketed from how it's been for the past week: silent except for The Loud Ones. The music I have on isn't helping much. Some of them are doing legit homework things and discussing legit homework things. I'm cool with that, relative to everyone else.
    But no matter what you're talking about, do try to keep the volume down. It helps a lot. Especially when people are sitting right next to you.

Issue the Third: Common Fragging Courtesy (No Longer Exists)
    Common Courtesy. That thing we all like to pretend still exists, but by and large doesn't. If common courtesy still existed, then we wouldn't have the above problems. We wouldn't have the person in front of me whose things are taking up an extra computer - which otherwise could be used by one of the guys who's waiting. Common courtesy, which dictates that I really shouldn't be taking up a computer and writing this post but giving it up to someone who needs it more. But that's assuming one of the guys waiting is doing legit homework things. And that's also assuming that they have a ridiculously pressing need to complete it - if they did, chances are they'd already have asked if the free computer is being held for someone or not working or whatever. They didn't, as far as I saw. So I don't feel too guilty at the moment. And I do still have a reading to do for Creative Writing.
    Common courtesy also would dictate, in this case, that if you have access to other computers, like a laptop, then you should be using that instead. You free up a computer for someone who doesn't have it to use. AND you also get to avoid all the loud. If you need to work on a group project? That's what the library's for. Chances are at least one of you has a computer, and if not then arrange to borrow one from the HUB. They're old but they'll work well enough to get you a presentation for class. Group projects are also best done during the day, when people don't have to sleep for early classes. And on weekends, when all-day marathons are most conceivable if no other times work out.
    But I forget. Common sense is just as uncommon as common courtesy is now. So of course that won't work at all.

Anonymous comments should be open if you want to weigh in on this.

The (Currently Very Annoyed) Author Of This Journal

rantings, whyyyyy, rants at the bunnies, real-life stuff

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