Warning - partial spoilers for Detective Conan file 608-609 and 28 Weeks Later (the zombie apocalypse movie sequel).
Yesterday, in my Math class, my brain was wandering. (No worries - I learned all about simple and compound interest before.)
And somehow, my brain decided that Akai Shuichi was the DC equivalent of Doyle in the movie 28 Weeks Later. They're both snipers, and they're both (presumably) dead before the end of the series/movie, and both burned. Though admittedly Akai's body was burned in an explosion after his (apparent?) death and Doyle was flamethrowered to death, so that isn't quite similar . . .
And then my headspace has suggested that I use Magic Kaito characters to play out the events of 28 Days Later and Detective Conan characters to play out 28 Weeks later.
And that it could be an alternate NaNo project.