Sep 25, 2009 10:52
[Someone would have completely refused a vaccination if it wasn't for his best friend insisting he get one (which he isn't too happy about, to be honest). Fortunately, this means he's not getting Red Asian Flu. Unfortunately he got the other vaccine, which means he's still sick.
Like hell he's going to say anything about it though.
But anyone at 1762 Beaver Street can probably tell he's not feeling well, though. He's trying to hide it, but Poker Face is good for emotions, not illnesses. He's drenched in a cold sweat from his fever and shivering violently as he holds the phone up and stares at it. There's a moment of silence, nothing but heavy breathing and occasional violent coughing punctuating it, before he finally talks.
He sounds... well. Just as bad as he feels]
I told Aoko-- [cough] --it was a stupid idea-- [hack wheeze] --to take those vaccinations.
event: red asian flu,