Feb 10, 2007 22:28
Okay, so I was thinking about Avatar no one is surprised, and I started thinking about what Season 3 would have in store for us. I know Aang has to learn Firebending, so I'm fairly certain the next season will be "Fire" (whether or not it's the last one remains to be seen). And I've also been thinking about who will be the person to teach him Firebending.
Now, I know most of the theories that people have are that either Jeong Jeong or Iroh (who was recast, by the way. Just don't know who) will teach him. But then I started to think about the nature of each of the people that taught Aang the other two elements. Both were pretty young and mastered their elements quickly and in their own unique way. They also traveled along with the group. So I was trying to think of who would fit that. Jeong Jeong is who knows where with his group, and Iroh's in jail I assume, although if they could bust him out he may work.
And then another thought hit me. Frankly, I've never trusted Azula's motives at all, and when she said that Zuko had restored his honor I was like "He has?" o_O; And then it hit me.
What if Zuko is the one that teaches Aang Firebending?!
Seriously, think about it. If Azula was just using him, and I think she was, and if she chases him out of Ba Sing Se, he'd be a perfect candidate! He's young and he has things to work on in his bending, too. And maybe Iroh can come along just for fun XD.
On another note, playing Kingdom Hearts last night... OMG!!! T_T I was almost crying over everything with Roxas and I came that close to losing it when Sora left Twilight Town. Meep!
video games