Dec 05, 2006 00:54
I'm bored. And I can't sleep. Again. That random two hour nap this afternoon did not help. Seriously, right after Teen Titans I passed out.
Speaking of, since I missed like all of Season Five, I really enjoyed that episode! It was the first one with Kid Flash and he totally reminded me of Kaitou. Probably because when he took the necklace from Jynx he left a rose in her hand. Hee hee, he was hitting on her like the whole time! XD
On that note, he has won the "Best Pick-up Line Ever Award" from me. Cause, you know, he was trying to flirt with her the entire time, he got her to walk over to where they were holding him, and then he produces a sandwich and in the same tone says "Can you get me some mustard? This looks a little dry." I was DED!! XDDDDD Oh, I miss that show... And my Season 2 set! Where is it?! T_T I need Terra, darnit!
On the note of DVD sets, Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain volumes 2 come out, well, today! ^____^ I will, of course, be buying them, but probably not when the store opens cause I need to sleep. I'm not as pumped as last time since that was the start of something I'd been waiting like forever for, but it's still exciting. I'm positive my favorite episode of all time is on this one ^^. Yep, "Potty Emergency." I also hope the one with Satan is on it. That one's classic! And I found out the guy that did Slade does his voice on that episode XD. I have no idea what'll be on Pinky and the Brain, though. Most of the really good ones I can remember were on Volume 1.
I may also buy Avatar Season 1 cause I really wanna watch it and it's cheapest at Best Buy, I'm afraid. What stinks is that my dial up is too slow so I can't download any of the Season 2 episode DX. I wanna see it!!! And I'm too cheap to buy the separate DVDs. I only do that with Inuyasha cause that's how I started with it *OCD*. Can anyone help a poor girl that can't get stuff illegally anymore? I swear I'll buy it when it comes out, I just have no patience. Same goes for Ouran, but I belive Candy-chan already said she'd help me there, hee hee.
Tomorrow/Today I also have to call the game store to see if they're getting any Wiis, and if they are I'm supposed to go get one for Mike (someone owes me big if I do! I hoping for his Game Cube, hee hee). And then I get to paint the walls in our kitchen. We've lived here for nineteen years and they've always been white and my parents decided to paint it blue o_O. And since my house is set up funny and the kitchen is what you can see from the street, we'll probably shock any drivers that notice, cause I live on a major thoroughfare like two blocks from two malls and it's awful this time of year.
Hm, can't think of anything else to babble about. I'm really shocked about the reception I've gotten both here and at for "Banky and the Brain" XD (and it's slowly catching attention at the latter, methinks). And I'm going to the funeral for the woman I mentioned on Wednesday, but not the pray service tomorrow night cause my mom said there's usually a casket wide open for that and I have this little thing called necrophobia. I've never seen a dead human and I never ever want to. I'd probably have a panic attack. I've seen pictures of unwrapped mummies that haunt me to this day. Hopefully my mom can get time off work so we can play it carefully for the funeral, cause I really want to avoid seeing anything. I'm very thankful my Grandad only wanted a memorial service and my Grandpa wanted to be cremated and have no service (he was weird like that).
...Okay, I'm taking an Ambien. My mom better call my around 10, otherwise I'll be knocked out for like 12 hours. The only time that stuff has worked as an eight hour pill was when I had jet lag and I was trying to adjust to Tanzanian time. Yay for weird health problems!
I want a cookie.
real life,
teen titans,