Sep 10, 2006 23:28
Guess what I did today? Absolutely nothing!!!! I just sat around in my room and watched amusing Zelda-based videos online XD. In the process of loading one now, actually, cause my computer sucks. I was gonna read manga, too. Whoops. And then tomorrow I have to do the homework that's due on Tuesday that I put off. ...I really hope I heard my History professor correctly that we're doing our assignment in class tomorrow ^^; Maybe I'll throw something together after acting. I'm being a lazy good-for-nothing today and I love it!
Well, I suppose saying I did nothing is a lie, since I came back from Minneapolis today. The short trip with my parents was fun. We got into town early so we went to kill time at Mall of America, which was way too packed *_*. They still have a Sam Goody there, though! ♥ All I bought was this month's Shonen Jump, though. I have all the other manga that's coming out this month and I really haven't been buying DVDs much lately cause my mom's been taping Inuyasha so I think me wanting the DVDs is kind of annoying her ^^;. And the last Loki volume doesn't come out til the end of the month, so... yeah. Plus my computer's CD/DVD player is broken T_T. I need to get it fixed.
Anyways, we then managed to make it to the Metrodome and eventually got to our seats, which were pretty good alll things considered. It was a very good game. My dad used to be a baseball player/umpire/small college team coach, so he knows like everything about the game and was telling me what was going on and what the teams should be doing and the good players and stuff. I like baseball, but I don't pay enough attention to know that except for some outstanding player's names and junk. Plus I'm more of a Cubs fan, but the Twins are cool, too. And they actually won! Yay! The only annoying thing was the drunk fans sitting around us that had no idea of what was going on. Although my dad buys these scorecard things and puts all these funny marks on them so he knows exactly what happened in the game and I'm just like... "I want cotton candy!" XD My brain is so dead right now it's not even funny.
Erg, I need to write fanfics. I miss it. And, well, I guess I never really had readers XP. But my muse hates me and I have homework and junk. Geez, I didn't even get on messengers today... Somedays I just wanna cut myself off from the world and... do nothing XD. It's great.
Since I now have a very interesting mixture of Inuyasha and Conan fans on my f-list (I know you all like other stuff, but it's basically thanks to those fandoms that I met most of you) and a few people I know in real life that don't watch anime that will probably ignore this post, I thought I'd see what would happen if I posted this:
Fall Stalker Friending Meme
Okay, well maybe not stalker per say.
You know those people on your friend's flists that you always wanted to talk to because they seem cool in their comments to your friends but you're way too nervous to actually start a conversation with or just friend regularly? Well, here's your chance! And it's possible in just two simple steps~!:
1.) Comment with your username.
2.) Look at the comments. If you see someone that you've always wanted to friend, friend them.
It's as easy as that. 8D