May 30, 2007 12:27
So, I know I just posted yesterday (and you all still must read those fics), but, um, this one is less random?
Anyways, to start off nicely, this morning I awoke to the sound of a really bad thunderstorm. Like, a Texas thunderstorm. Those are scary. And for those of you that don't know, on my list of fears thunderstorms are like number 2. So I was hiding under my pillow when I heard my mother trying to get Toulee to come and wake me up, because a poodle jumping on the bed and licking you in the face is a pretty good alarm clock. However, he wouldn't go upstairs because the storm was so loud up there. So when I came down, he was sitting by his favorite chair and looking at me. I eventually sat there and he jumped in my lap and we sat through what was left of the storm together. Neither of us like them, apparently -_-. But it was really sweet.
Back to what you'll care about, I'm sure you've all heard about Strikethrough 2007 by now. I have no problem with the inital idea, and it looks to me like the group was really only interested in getting rid of places with anything having to do with child pr0n in their interests or user names, but LJ is going nuts. Honestly, look at what you're deleting before you do it. At least warn people so they can fix whatever you don't like! And why are they attacking icons?! I took down my Crazy Zuko with pants on his head one just to be safe. Do you think my Miroku/Sango (including the one that's actually Sokka and Toph) ones will be safe? Or my Ty Lee one? I have no idea...
I still want to do my icon revamping this afternoon. Plus I'm mad at my grandma because apparently rain means we can't go to the pharmacy?! Oh noes, I could get wet!! I refuse to eat lunch here -_-. Told my mom my stomach hurt again even though that probably won't start for another half hour.
real life,