
Oct 31, 2008 23:39

Name: Kaito Seidou [星道海翔]
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 22nd of February
Grade Average: C
Orientation: Straight - His kinsey number is 1.5, yo.

An easily-occupied child, Kaito spent the entirety of his life growing up in a simple suburban household. He rarely cried or screamed as a kid, which came as a blessing to his mother, a woman who had never dealt with children in her life. Because of his father's busy schedule and his mother's...non-existant one, Kaito spent most of his time growing up with his mother and inherited a lot of her traits as a result, much to the chagrin of his dad in the later years.

At fifteen, Kaito's parents got divorced, his mother moving to the countryside as a result. He had a choice of living with her or staying with his father, and chose to stay out of laziness.

Kaito is quite tall, standing at 5’8.5 (specifics, man!), and avoids a thin frame through constant exercise and several well-balanced eating habits. His skin is naturally tanned, and in the warmer months appears bronzed from all his time spent at the beach.

He has something of an intimidating (although attractive) face, boasting a well-defined chin and sharp, piercing brown eyes. His hair is long -just above shoulder length-, and is naturally quite disheveled. He never does much to tame it, despite dying it every now and then.

Kaito's default facial expression is a relaxed one, and he likes it that way. In moments of complete and utter vulnerability he’ll smile all big and wide, revealing a kind of dorky, cute smile. Said smile embarrasses him more than anything; he thinks it's ugly.

Wearing clothes that look inexpensive but aren’t, Kaito can usually be seen wearing a close-fitting top underneath a baggy jacket or shirt. He’s fairly infamous for sagging his pants -both school uniform and casual- nearly completely below his ass, revealing whatever colored underwear he’s wearing to the general public.

Intimidating in appearance only, Kaito is quite friendly with most people and is, ultimately, a very laid back person. He rarely gets mad and enjoys being something of a wallflower, sitting on the sidelines during discussions and making comments only when something perks his interest. He has been known to swear fairly often, but tones it down depending on the person - he doesn't like making others feel uncomfortable, as that in turn makes him feel the same. Which he hates.

- Amicable: While Kaito's distant nature makes it hard for him to make more than a few super duper close friends, it also makes him a difficult person for others to dislike. He is friendly - at the very least on speaking terms - with all types of people; The most he'll do to hurt a person is laugh about them half-heartedly behind their back.
- Apathetic: Kaito doesn't make the time for things he has no interest in, and it shows, negatively affecting both his schoolwork and the work his father makes him do at home.
- Athletic: Kaito boasts not only great agility, but strength, too. Football and surfing are his ~true passions~.
- Dull: In his life, Kaito has never really tried at school. A pass is a pass to him, so he gets by on his innate intelligence alone - which, even then, doesn’t say much at all. Were he to really give his all in schoolwork, Kaito could probably find himself averaging about a C.
- Vain: He makes it seem effortless, but Kaito puts a decent amount of effort into his appearance, sticking to current fashion trends and whatnot.

Overnight Bag: Clothes, underwear, wallet with chain (money, cards, receipts etc.), toiletries, mobile phone, football.


Father - Michi Seidou; 47. A psychologist, both Michi’s father and grandfather followed the same career as him. Michi wishes for Kaito to follow the family tradition, and as such forces him into studying psychology at least twice a week after school. Michi looks down on Kaito’s slacker attitude, blaming his mother for most of his problems.

Mother - Tsukiko Seidou; 45. An artist, Tsukiko is currently divorced from her husband. Shortly after their brake-up, she moved to the countryside, giving Kaito the option of going with her or staying with his father. Despite enjoying her company much more than his dad’s, the move was seen as too much of a hassle and Kaito chose to stay in the city. He sometimes goes to visit his mother on the holidays.

Extra-Curricular Activities:
Football (soccer): Originally taken up as something to do in order to pass time, Kaito found himself more and more into the sport as time progressed. Naturally good at it, his training takes up most of his time.

Surfing: Not a school-based activity, but important all the same. In the warmer months Kaito heads to the beach perhaps once every few days, whether it be after (or during lololol) classes or on the weekends.

Classroom Behavior: Usually comes to class, but doesn’t pay that much attention. Sits at the back.

Teacher's Comments:
“Kaito simply doesn’t put enough effort in. I think he could be a better student if he tried a little harder.”

Classroom Clique:
Would fit in well with the jocks or the slackers, probably.

PB: Hikaru (Coat West) - If you're looking for images, be wary, as they may be NSFW.

Friends and Enemies:



Yukihiko Koyamada - Total bros. They've known each other since they were little and have done a load of things together - not because the other one was doing it, but because they genuinely share the same interests. Kaito loves Yuki and was generally crushed when he had to drop out of the school's soccer team, but they still hang and play soccer and stuff regularly either way.

Masaru Hirasawa (NPC) - On the soccer team together. Kaito gets along swimmingly with the guy - he doesn't care much for the negativity or whatever, but doesn't let it get to him because most of the time it's correct and/or hilarious. They're not super close but they hang around together all the time.

Koshirou Aizawa - Kaito's buddy. He knows the guy is a little different but he likes him for it - he's the most laid back person Kaito knows, and the two can just sit together and be content with doing just that. They hang out a fair bit - at the beach or the mall or whatever, and Kaito really enjoys his company. Yeah. C:

Saito Takashi -

Go Sasaki -

Masao Hayashi (NPC) -

Riku Ezaki (NPC) -


Aya Nishiyama - One of Kaito's closest female friends, if not only for the fact that he can't see her as a girl. At all. They live rather close to each other and meet up most mornings to go for jogs, which has developed into them doing loads of outdoor activities together. Her personality is a little intense but Kaito kind of likes it, he thinks she's funny.

Chie Eda - Whatta babe. small rack, but perky. fat head.

Yurie Matsuoka - Crush on this girl. To be continued.

Katsue Itsuma - Most lolarious relation ever. TBC.

Anna Arakida (NPC) - Kaito likes her, unlike, uh. Everyone else he's friends with. This said, he has reservations about her appearance and would never really go out of his way to talk to her.

Ayane Yokoyama -

Etsu Oinuma -

Masumi Okamoto (NPC) -

Erika Sekimoto (NPC) -

Pink Hair -

Shigeru Miyazaki (NPC) -

Haruka Yoshida (NPC) -

profile., ooc

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